ngraham added a comment.

  In D11848#238485 <>, @hein wrote:
  > Nate, you misunderstood my original comment. The problem isn't going from 
tabs to content, it's going from the panel button to a tab. That's why the 
delay was likely added (I've never worked much on Kickoff vs. the other menus 
we ship, but I have vague memories).
  Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem is for this case. Why is it a bad thing if 
the view changes when your mouse moves across the buttons after you open the 
menu? Isn't that the whole point of making the view change on hover?

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: ngraham, #plasma, davidedmundson, abetts
Cc: rikmills, hein, cfeck, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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