ngraham added subscribers: apol, ngraham.
ngraham added reviewers: Discover Software Store, apol.
ngraham added a comment.

  For bugfixes like this, the workflow is to commit to the "stable branch" (in 
this case `Plasma/5.12`) and then merge to master. In this case you would also 
merge to `Plasma/5.13`. the `FIXED-IN` tag should be `5.12.6`.
  See also
  As for the patch, I tried it out and it seems to solve the problem! No 
opinion on whether your current approach or the alternative one you mentioned 
would be most appropriate. I'll let @apol have the final say.

  R134 Discover Software Store


To: Zren, #discover_software_store, apol
Cc: ngraham, apol, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, mart

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