On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 4:06 PM Harald Sitter <sit...@kde.org> wrote:
> Heya
> I've been moderating the plasma-devel list for 6 months now, and in
> that time I've seen **one** legitimate pending email. Everything else
> was spam. At least one spam mail per day pretty much.
> I really do not think this list doesn't benefit from a moderation queue.
> There is just about no non-subscriber traffic, and even when there is
> I would expect a person sending a mail to a developer mailing list to
> be able to read the auto-discard notification email they'd get back
> and subscribe. So what's left is the useless chore of manually
> discarding spam email at the off chance that something useful pops up.
> We moderate daily at most (usually weekly really) because it's almost
> exclusively spam, the useful mail would unnecessarily get stuck in
> moderation for quite a while. Had the sender gotten an auto-discard
> notification they'd have been able to fix it on their own much faster.
> So, I propose that we change the list setting to auto-discard. It's
> better for everyone really.
> Thoughts?
> HS

I've been also moderating the list and I have the feeling that there's
been some legitimate traffic albeit not a lot.

In general, I think it's good that we can tell people to send an
e-mail to plasma-devel@kde.org and discuss things, if auto-discard was
the norm we're then unable to do that.


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