davidedmundson added a comment.

  If the only usage is the SNI model lets just rebuild the model on the 
ConfigEntries side. 
  You're right that sharing objects between contexts seems to cause issues.
  It's backed by a datasource so all the heavy operations are already 
implicitly shared.
  We should only need
      PlasmaCore.DataSource {
             id: statusNotifierSource
             engine: "statusnotifieritem"
             interval: 0
             onSourceAdded: {
             Component.onCompleted: {
                 connectedSources = sources
    PlasmaCore.SortFilterModel {
           id: statusNotifierModel
           sourceModel: PlasmaCore.DataModel {
               dataSource: statusNotifierSource
  and then port all the plasmoid.rootItem to just our local statusNotifierModel

  R120 Plasma Workspace


To: trmdi, #plasma, ngraham, broulik, davidedmundson, anthonyfieroni, fvogt
Cc: plasma-devel, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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