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> TextField.qml:74
> +     */
> +    property QtObject rightAction
> +

I would like those to actually be lists as we do have use cases for more than 
one icon
F6603228: Screenshot_20190209_110517.png <>

> TextField.qml:94
> +
> +    ToolButton {
> +        anchors {

this should be a repeater with the toolbutton as aproperty (maybe shouldn't 
even be a toolbotton, as usually they're just icons without any button graphics)

> ognarb wrote in TextField.qml:101
> @mart I'm not sure if it's the right way to convert the icon from the action 
> to the one needed by the toolButton (don't support icon.source)

you can try to use a private class.
PrivateActionToolButton {
 kirigamiAction: the action
 background: null
that should already manage everything about the action (and with 
background:null to disable any kind of button background

  R169 Kirigami


To: ognarb, apol, #kirigami, ngraham, mart
Cc: broulik, mart, apol, ngraham, plasma-devel, dkardarakos, davidedmundson, 

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