ndavis added a comment.

  In D19874#444153 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D19874#444153>, @filipf wrote:
  > This makes Kickoff even a bit more more left-centered = looking like it's 
wasting horizontal space. That's why I prefer the way it was before, but I 
tested the patch and everything seems symmetric at least.
  > It seems that in the screenshots the "Small" font is set to be bigger than 
normal. With default font sizes Kickoff can end up looking like this (ignore 
the lack of few other patches):
  > F6755716: image.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F6755716>
  > That's a lot of unused horizontal space, while the benefits of reduced 
padding are only for apps with really long descriptions (which are minority) or 
for people using a bigger font size for "Small" text.
  > If everyone else is on board I won't object though.
  It is wasting horizontal space, no matter how the margins are done, but at 
least with less side margin the horizontal space can be used for long 
descriptions. This is a problem with the overall design of Kickoff.
  Regarding the small text size, I did forget to set it back to default when 
doing these screenshots.

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: ndavis, #plasma, #vdg, ngraham, hein
Cc: hein, ngraham, filipf, rooty, plasma-devel, jraleigh, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, 
ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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