You need to write a custom WBWRender


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 10.05.2019 um 18:02 schrieb Arian Fornaris <>:
> Hi,
> How can I add a bottom panel (Composite) to the Eclipse IDE workbench? I need 
> to implement something similar to the perspective switcher but with bigger 
> icons and custom layout, and custom widgets. I was trying to use the IDE 
> status toolbar bit it       really does not look well for my purpose. I need 
> big buttons and custom layout.
> I tried by adding a view at the bottom of the IDE but I don't have full 
> control of the view height and honestly, it was not possible to remove the 
> "tab" from the view and make it fixed. It only worked to me if the 
> perspective is marked as fixed too.
> As I know, since Eclipse 4 the UI renderer is independent from the UI model, 
> and there are projects like Efxclipse that uses JavaFX as renderer, so I 
> don't know if I can extends default SWT renderer and add a bottom pane.
> Thanks in advance,
> Arian
> P.S. I attach an image here of what I need.
> <akgpiliblpefalmn.png>
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