Hey everyone,
On the last Eclipse PMC call we discussed the rules and how much they are
followed and also the increasing demand for less "freezes".
The current rules for test days, reminders, tagging and etc. are no longer
followed by the community in general and it requires extra effort from
releng side (which could be spent better).
With the above said the PMC agreed that:
All milestones (M1/M2/M3) will be lightweight and follow the same rules as
M2 has been lately - this is more or less Thursday build is contributed on
Friday without sign off bugs, development freeze for the week, etc.
is updated with corresponding changes.

Testing and testing work is still highly appreciated and we are encouraging
people to spend more time on stability work, test improvements and so on.
Having Tuesday of a given week dedicated for testing is just not fitting
with the current distributed, multi company community but if someone
can/want to still dedicate these days for testing everyone will be grateful.

Aleksandar Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team
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