Author: paszczus                     Date: Thu Jan 21 08:11:26 2010 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: DEVEL
---- Log message:
- updated to 3.3.0-beta1
- this release adds support for replication

---- Files affected:
   phpMyAdmin.spec ( -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/phpMyAdmin/phpMyAdmin.spec
diff -u packages/phpMyAdmin/phpMyAdmin.spec: 
--- packages/phpMyAdmin/phpMyAdmin.spec:       Mon Feb 12 14:20:14 2007
+++ packages/phpMyAdmin/phpMyAdmin.spec Thu Jan 21 09:11:20 2010
@@ -1,25 +1,39 @@
 # $Revision$, $Date$
-%define                _rc     rc1
+# - add codepress ( patch
+%define _beta   beta1
 Summary:       phpMyAdmin - web-based MySQL administration
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):   phpMyAdmin - administracja bazami MySQL przez WWW
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):     phpMyAdmin - administracja bazami MySQL przez WWW
 Name:          phpMyAdmin
-Version:       2.9.2
-Release:       0.%{_rc}.1
+Version:       3.3.0
+Release:       0.%{_beta}.1
 License:       GPL v2
 Group:         Applications/Databases/Interfaces
-# Source0-md5: 86c3f72b2853fb3b50703749af8c42f7
+# Source0-md5: 6908514c218a9117686ee7deaf2e6843
 Source1:       %{name}.conf
+Source2:       %{name}-lighttpd.conf
 Patch0:                %{name}-config.patch
+Patch1:                %{name}-ServerSelectDisplayName.patch
+Patch2:                %{name}-ServerSelectDisplayName-config.patch
 BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.268
 Requires(triggerpostun):       sed >= 4.0
-Requires:      php(mysql)
-Requires:      php(pcre)
+Requires:      php-common >= 4:5.2
+Requires:      php-ctype
+Requires:      php-mbstring
+Requires:      php-mcrypt
+Requires:      php-mysql
+Requires:      php-pcre
+Requires:      php-session
 Requires:      webapps
 Requires:      webserver(access)
-Requires:      webserver(php)
-#Suggests:     php-mbstring
+Requires:      webserver(alias)
+Suggests:      php-mysqli
+Suggests:      webserver(indexfile)
+Suggests:      webserver(php)
 BuildArch:     noarch
 BuildRoot:     %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -43,7 +57,10 @@
 - create (*) and read dumps of tables
 - export (*) and import data to CSV values
 - administer multiple servers and single databases
-- communicate in more than 20 different languages
+- check referencial integrity
+- create complex queries automatically connecting required tables
+- create PDF graphics of your database layout
+- communicate in more than 50 different languages
 %description -l pl.UTF-8
 phpMyAdmin potrafi zarządzać całymi bazami MySQL (potrzebne
@@ -63,27 +80,30 @@
 - tworzyć i czytać zrzuty tabel
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}-%{_rc}-all-languages
-%patch0 -p0
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}-%{_beta}-all-languages
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p0
+%patch2 -p0
-install -d 
+install -d 
 install *.php *.html *.css $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
 install lang/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/lang
+cp -rf pmd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
 cp -rf themes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
-install css/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/css
-install js/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/js
+cp -rf js $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
 install libraries/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries
 install libraries/auth/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/auth
+install libraries/auth/swekey/*.{php,crt} 
 install libraries/dbg/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/dbg
 install libraries/dbi/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/dbi
 install libraries/engines/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/engines
 install libraries/export/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/export
-install libraries/fpdf/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/fpdf
-install libraries/fpdf/font/*.{php,z} 
 install libraries/import/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/import
+install libraries/tcpdf/*.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/libraries/tcpdf
+install libraries/tcpdf/font/*.{php,z} 
 install libraries/transformations/*.php 
 install libraries/config.default.php 
@@ -91,6 +111,10 @@
 install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
 install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/lighttpd.conf
+cp -f libraries/import/README{,-import}
+cp -f libraries/transformations/README{,-transformations}
@@ -107,56 +131,25 @@
 %triggerun -- apache < 2.2.0, apache-base
 %webapp_unregister httpd %{_webapp}
-%triggerpostun -- phpMyAdmin <= 2.5.3-2
-for i in `grep -lr "/home/\(services/\)*httpd/html/myadmin" /etc/httpd/*`; do
-       cp $i $i.backup
-       sed -i -e "s#/home/httpd/html/myadmin#%{_appdir}#g" $i
-       sed -i -e "s#/home/services/httpd/html/myadmin#%{_appdir}#g" $i
-       echo "File changed by trigger: $i (backup: $i.backup)"
-%triggerpostun -- %{name} < 2.7.0-pl1.2.5
-# rescue app config from various old locations
-if [ -f /home/services/httpd/html/myadmin/ ]; then
-       mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/{,.rpmnew}
-       mv -f /home/services/httpd/html/myadmin/ 
-if [ -f /home/httpd/html/myadmin/ ]; then
-       mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/{,.rpmnew}
-       mv -f /home/httpd/html/myadmin/ 
-if [ -f /etc/%{name}/ ]; then
-       mv -f %{_sysconfdir}/{,.rpmnew}
-       mv -f /etc/%{name}/ %{_sysconfdir}/
-# nuke very-old config location (this mostly for Ra)
-if [ -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ]; then
-       sed -i -e "/^Include.*%{name}.conf/d" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
-# migrate from httpd (apache2) config dir
-if [ -f /etc/httpd/%{name}.conf.rpmsave ]; then
-       cp -f %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf{,.rpmnew}
-       mv -f /etc/httpd/%{name}.conf.rpmsave %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
-rm -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf/99_%{name}.conf
-/usr/sbin/webapp register httpd %{_webapp}
-%service httpd reload
+%triggerin -- lighttpd
+%webapp_register lighttpd %{_webapp}
+%triggerun -- lighttpd
+%webapp_unregister lighttpd %{_webapp}
-%doc Documentation.* CREDITS ChangeLog INSTALL README TODO translators.html 
+%doc Documentation.* CREDITS ChangeLog INSTALL README TODO translators.html 
scripts libraries/import/README-import 
libraries/transformations/TEMPLATE* libraries/transformations/*.sh lang/*.sh
 %dir %attr(750,root,http) %{_sysconfdir}
 %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
 %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
+%attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
 %attr(640,root,http) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) 
 %dir %{_appdir}
@@ -168,23 +161,257 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
-Revision  2007/02/12 13:20:14  baggins
+Revision  2010/01/21 08:11:20  paszczus
+- updated to 3.3.0-beta1
+- this release adds support for replication
+Revision 1.224  2010/01/11 21:19:40  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.5 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.223  2009/12/02 21:38:45  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.4 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.222  2009/12/02 10:07:44  glen
+- R: session;;
 rel 4
+Revision 1.221  2009/10/30 23:13:57  shadzik
+- fixed conf
+- rel 3
+Revision 1.220  2009/10/30 22:58:25  shadzik
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.219  2009/10/30 22:57:03  shadzik
+- no php application requires mod_php, so just suggest it, it's no requirement 
at all
+Revision 1.218  2009/10/30 22:55:04  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.3 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.217  2009/10/13 05:28:41  dzeus
+- up to (PMASA-2009-6)
+Revision 1.216  2009/09/13 12:42:24  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.2 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.215  2009/08/10 06:41:48  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.1 (bugfixes & new language: Uzbek)
+Revision 1.214  2009/07/01 05:40:27  dzeus
+- up to (fixed PMASA-2009-5)
+Revision 1.213  2009/06/15 21:00:32  dzeus
+- up to 3.2.0 (bugfixes & small new features)
+Revision 1.212  2009/05/15 19:39:01  dzeus
+- up to 3.1.5 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.211  2009/04/25 12:51:02  dzeus
+- up to 3.1.4 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.210  2009/04/14 19:02:46  paszczus
+- updated to, fixes CVE-2009-1285
+Revision 1.209  2009/03/26 13:06:08  duddits
+- up to
+- fixes: PMASA-2009-1, PMASA-2009-2, PMASA-2009-3
+Revision 1.208  2009/02/28 14:35:24  dzeus
+- up to 3.1.3 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.207  2009/01/19 20:58:38  dzeus
+- up to 3.1.2 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.206  2008/12/10 07:17:01  paszczus
+- updated to 3.1.1 (security fix: PMASA-2008-10)
+Revision 1.205  2008/12/08 11:47:44  dzeus
+- added missing dir: libraries/auth/swekey
+Revision 1.204  2008/12/02 09:35:01  duddits
+- up to 3.1.0
+Revision 1.203  2008/10/31 07:22:53  paszczus
+- updated to [security] XSS in a Designer component
+Revision 1.202  2008/10/23 08:14:09  paszczus
+- updated to 3.0.1
+Revision 1.201  2008/10/01 15:26:22  qboosh
+- reverted mess
+Revision 1.200  2008/10/01 10:04:08  glen
+- ... so really depend on php 5.2+
+Revision 1.199  2008/10/01 09:13:37  blues
+- they say that php5.2 is required
+Revision 1.198  2008/10/01 07:24:36  adamg
+- updated to 3.0.0
+Revision 1.197  2008/09/23 06:37:19  paszczus
+- updated to [security] XSS in MSIE using NUL byte
+Revision 1.196  2008/09/16 07:16:18  paszczus
+- updated to (security update)
+Revision 1.195  2008/09/11 17:51:19  qboosh
+- ordered again
+Revision 1.194  2008/09/11 06:33:14  glen
+- mysqli cames with php5
+Revision 1.193  2008/09/10 22:52:49  gotar
+- S: php-mysqli
+Revision 1.192  2008/08/29 08:50:46  paszczus
+- updated to 2.11.9
+Revision 1.191  2008/08/18 23:13:09  jezik
+- ServerSelectDisplayName
+Revision 1.190  2008/07/28 21:11:32  adamg
+- updated to
+Revision 1.189  2008/07/28 18:41:25  adamg
+- updated to 2.11.8 (PMASA-2008-6)
+Revision 1.188  2008/07/17 20:41:19  dzeus
+- up to [security] XSRF/CSRF by manipulating the db, convcharset and 
collation_connection parameters
+Revision 1.187  2008/06/23 20:02:56  adamg
+- security advisory reference
+Revision 1.186  2008/06/23 19:51:33  adamg
+- updated to 2.11.7 [PMASA-2008-4]
+Revision 1.185  2008-05-18 20:39:16  blues
+- have mercy - no banners for such a obvious thing....
+Revision 1.184  2008-05-18 19:06:17  arvenil
+- added S: webserver(indexfile)
+- added banner with info how to access by deafult phpMyAdmin
+- adapter
+- release 3
+Revision 1.183  2008-05-13 11:38:25  glen
+- codepress todo
+Revision 1.182  2008-05-08 20:49:10  dzeus
+- rel. 2
+Revision 1.181  2008-04-29 21:12:45  paszczus
+- updated to 2.11.6
+Revision 1.180  2008-04-28 13:50:13  blues
+- require webserver(alias)
+Revision 1.179  2008-04-27 19:24:27  glen
+- typo
+Revision 1.178  2008-04-27 19:22:51  blues
+- lighttpd config
+Revision 1.177  2008-04-23 20:40:49  dzeus
+- up to (PMASA-2008-3)
+Revision 1.176  2008-03-30 12:51:45  glen
+- release 2 (1 for ac)
+Revision 1.175  2008-03-29 22:09:20  dzeus
+- up to (PMASA-2008-2)
+Revision 1.174  2008-03-02 15:46:16  paszczus
+- updated to 2.11.5 [security fixes; PMASA-2008-1]
+Revision 1.173  2008-02-06 21:21:00  glen
+- rel 3
+Revision 1.172  2008-02-06 20:56:22  glen
+- never use '<=' in trigger comparision (drop old triggers); rel 2
+Revision 1.171  2008-01-12 19:56:16  dzeus
+- up to 2.11.4 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.170  2007-12-14 20:12:52  dzeus
+- up to 2.11.3 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.169  2007-11-21 21:00:15  adamg
+- updated to (PMSA-2007-8)
+Revision 1.168  2007-11-11 15:42:27  adamg
+- updated to (PMSA-2007-7)
+Revision 1.167  2007-10-28 18:25:08  dzeus
+- up to 2.11.2 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.166  2007/10/22 21:56:30  dzeus
+- up to, security fix (XSS vulnerabilities)
+Revision 1.165  2007/09/23 07:36:52  dzeus
+- up to 2.11.1 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.164  2007/08/22 18:24:24  adamg
+- updated to 2.11.0
+Revision 1.163  2007/07/29 11:02:46  gotar
+- upgraded to 2.10.3 (bugfixes)
+Revision 1.162  2007/06/07 13:20:25  gotar
+- packaged designer files,
+- added missing docs, updated desc, release 2
+Revision 1.161  2007/04/25 20:31:09  dzeus
+- up to 2.10.1 (fixed XSS vulnerabilities)
+Revision 1.160  2007/04/11 05:22:38  qboosh
+- cleanup
+Revision 1.159  2007/04/10 21:40:58  shadzik
+- R: php(mbstring) - it's quite a critical change :)
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.158  2007/03/02 23:00:50  dzeus
+- up to (workaround for PHP Executor Deep Recursion Stack Overflow)
+Revision 1.157  2007/03/01 01:04:22  shadzik
+Revision 1.156  2007/02/28 22:38:20  shadzik
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.155  2007/02/28 22:37:08  shadzik
+- R: php(ctype)
+Revision 1.154  2007/02/28 04:47:59  shadzik
+- 2.10.0
+Revision 1.153  2007/02/13 08:06:40  glen
+- tabs in preamble
+Revision 1.152  2007/02/12 01:06:26  baggins
 - converted to UTF-8
-Revision  2007/01/10 02:28:07  shadzik
-- 2.9.2-rc1
+Revision 1.151  2007/01/24 09:40:23  qboosh
+- added some CVE notes to changelog
+Revision 1.150  2007/01/18 21:24:52  dzeus
+- up to 2.9.2 (security fixes)
+[fixes CVE-2007-0095 CVE-2007-0203 CVE-2007-0204]
 Revision 1.149  2006/11/21 19:44:52  glen
 - rel 2: use php(extension) virtuals
 Revision 1.148  2006/11/19 02:42:15  shadzik
+[fixes CVE-2006-6942 CVE-2006-6943 CVE-2006-6944]
 Revision 1.147  2006/11/09 15:49:01  shadzik
 - 2.9.1
+[fixes CVE-2006-5117]
 Revision 1.146  2006/11/01 16:55:09  shadzik
+- [fixes CVE-2006-5718]
 - new tarball (-all-languages)
 Revision 1.145  2006/10/10 21:43:19  glen
@@ -199,6 +426,7 @@
 Revision 1.142  2006/10/02 15:22:05  dzeus
 - security up to - XSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) vulnerabilities
+[fixes CVE-2006-5116]
 Revision 1.141  2006/10/01 20:02:21  glen
 - rel 2
@@ -224,6 +452,7 @@
 Revision 1.134  2006/06/30 17:21:24  adamg
 - updated to 2.8.2
+[fixes CVE-2006-3388]
 Revision 1.133  2006/05/22 09:16:37  qboosh
 - unified

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