Author: freetz                       Date: Sun May 21 14:39:56 2006 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: AC-branch
---- Log message:
- make it parallel instalable with 0.10

---- Files affected:
   gstreamer-plugins.spec ( -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/gstreamer-plugins.spec
diff -u SPECS/gstreamer-plugins.spec: 
--- SPECS/gstreamer-plugins.spec:      Thu Apr  6 01:57:12 2006
+++ SPECS/gstreamer-plugins.spec        Sun May 21 16:39:51 2006
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 # - tarkin (lib included)
 # Conditional build:
+%bcond_with    divx4linux      # build with divx4linux support
+%bcond_with    gdkloader       # build with gdk-pixbuf loader support
+%bcond_with    xine            # build with xine plugin (disabled by 
 %bcond_without aalib           # don't build aa videosink plugin
 %bcond_without arts            # don't build aRts audio output plugins
 %bcond_without audiofile       # don't build audiofile plugin
@@ -35,31 +38,28 @@
 %bcond_without musepack        # don't build musepack plugin
 %bcond_without nas             # don't build NAS audio plugin
 %bcond_without polypaudio      # don't build polypaudio plugin
-%bcond_without sndfile         # don't build sndfile plugin
 %bcond_without sdl             # don't build sdl plugin
 %bcond_without sid             # don't build sid plugin
+%bcond_without sndfile         # don't build sndfile plugin
 %bcond_without speex           # don't build speex plugin
 %bcond_without swfdec          # don't build swfdec plugin
 %bcond_without wavpack         # don't build wavpack support
 %bcond_without xvid            # don't build XviD support
-%bcond_with    divx4linux      # build with divx4linux support
-%bcond_with    gdkloader       # build with gdk-pixbuf loader support
-%bcond_with    xine            # build with xine plugin (disabled by 
 %define                gstname         gst-plugins
 %define                gst_major_ver   0.8
-%define                gst_req_ver
+%define                gst_req_ver     0.8.12
 %define                gstreg          %{_var}/cache/gstreamer/registry.xml
 Summary:       GStreamer Streaming-media framework plugins
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczki do środowiska obróbki strumieni GStreamer
 Name:          gstreamer-plugins
-Version:       0.8.11
-Release:       4
+Version:       0.8.12
+Release:       1
 License:       LGPL
 Group:         Libraries
-# Source0-md5: ea787eeed3761ff03cb60ecebebe1c30
+# Source0-md5: c5cb7312d96fe008763b3ac56e665ca5
 Patch0:                %{name}-divx4linux.patch
 Patch1:                %{name}-libcaca.patch
 Patch2:                %{name}-libdts.patch
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 BuildRequires: OpenGL-devel
 BuildRequires: autoconf
 BuildRequires: automake
-BuildRequires: gstreamer-devel >= %{gst_req_ver}
+BuildRequires: gstreamer08x-devel >= %{gst_req_ver}
 BuildRequires: gtk+2-devel >= 2:2.4.4
 BuildRequires: libtool
 BuildRequires: pkgconfig
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 %{?with_sid:BuildRequires:     libsidplay-devel >= 1.36.57}
 %{?with_sndfile:BuildRequires: libsndfile-devel >= 1.0.0}
 BuildRequires: libtheora-devel >= 1.0-0.alpha3.1
-%{?with_libvisual:BuildRequires:       libvisual-devel >= 0.2.0}
+%{?with_libvisual:BuildRequires:       libvisual-devel >= 0.4.0}
 BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel >= 1:1.0
 %{?with_mjpegtools:BuildRequires:      mjpegtools-devel >= 1.6.2}
 BuildRequires: mpeg2dec-devel >= 0.4.0
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 %{?with_wavpack:BuildRequires: wavpack-devel >= 4.2}
 %{?with_xine:BuildRequires:    xine-lib-devel >= 1.0}
 %{?with_xvid:BuildRequires:    xvid-devel >= 1.0.0}
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires(post,postun): /sbin/ldconfig
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-asf
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-avi
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 Summary(pl):   Pliki nagłówkowe do wtyczek środowiska obróbki strumieni 
 Group:         Development/Libraries
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires:      gstreamer-devel >= %{gst_req_ver}
+Requires:      gstreamer08x-devel >= %{gst_req_ver}
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-interfaces-devel
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-media-info-devel
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-mixer-devel
@@ -210,22 +210,22 @@
 %description devel -l pl
 Pliki nagłówkowe do wtyczek środowiska obróbki strumieni GStreamer.
-%package -n gstreamer-GConf
+%package -n gstreamer08x-GConf
 Summary:       GStreamer GConf schemas
 Summary(pl):   Schematy GConf GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
 Requires(post,postun): /sbin/ldconfig
 Requires(post,preun):  GConf2
-%description -n gstreamer-GConf
+%description -n gstreamer08x-GConf
 Installation of GStreamer GConf schemas. These set usable defaults
 used by all GStreamer-enabled GNOME applications.
-%description -n gstreamer-GConf -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-GConf -l pl
 Schematy GConf dla GStreamera. Zestaw ten ustawia wartości domyślne
 dla wszystkich aplikacji GNOME korzystających z GStreamera
-%package -n gstreamer-GConf-devel
+%package -n gstreamer08x-GConf-devel
 Summary:       GStreamer GConf includes
 Summary(pl):   Pliki nagłówkowe GConf GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
@@ -233,844 +233,845 @@
 Requires:      gstreamer-GConf = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      gstreamer-devel >= %{gst_req_ver}
-%description -n gstreamer-GConf-devel
+%description -n gstreamer08x-GConf-devel
 GStreamer GConf includes.
-%description -n gstreamer-GConf-devel -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-GConf-devel -l pl
 Pliki nagłówkowe GConf dla GStreamera.
 ## Plugins
-%package -n gstreamer-a52dec
+%package -n gstreamer08x-a52dec
 Summary:       GStreamer VOB decoder plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera dekodująca VOB
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-a52dec
+%description -n gstreamer08x-a52dec
 Plugin for decoding of VOB files.
-%description -n gstreamer-a52dec -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-a52dec -l pl
 Wtyczka dekodująca pliki VOB.
-%package -n gstreamer-videosink-aa
+%package -n gstreamer08x-videosink-aa
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for Ascii-art output
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka wyjścia obrazu Ascii-art do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Provides:      gstreamer-videosink = %{version}
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-aalib
-%description -n gstreamer-videosink-aa
+%description -n gstreamer08x-videosink-aa
 Plugin for viewing movies in Ascii-art using aalib library.
-%description -n gstreamer-videosink-aa -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-videosink-aa -l pl
 Wtyczka wyjścia obrazu Ascii-art używająca biblioteki aalib.
-%package -n gstreamer-aac
+%package -n gstreamer08x-aac
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for AAC audio encoding and decoding
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera do kodowania i dekodowania plików audio 
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-aac
+%description -n gstreamer08x-aac
 GStreamer plugin for AAC audio encoding and decoding.
-%description -n gstreamer-aac -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-aac -l pl
 Wtyczka do GStreamera do kodowania i dekodowania plików audio AAC.
-%package -n gstreamer-audiosink-alsa
+%package -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-alsa
 Summary:       GStreamer plugins for the ALSA sound architecture
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczki GStreamera do obsługi architektury ALSA
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:      gstreamer >= %{gst_req_ver}
 Provides:      gstreamer-audiosink = %{version}
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-alsa
-%description -n gstreamer-audiosink-alsa
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-alsa
 Input and output plugin for the ALSA soundcard driver architecture.
-%description -n gstreamer-audiosink-alsa -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-alsa -l pl
 Wtyczka wejścia i wyjścia ze sterowników dźwiękowych architektury ALSA
 do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-artsd
+%package -n gstreamer08x-artsd
 Summary:       GStreamer artsd output plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka wyjścia dźwięku arts do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Provides:      gstreamer-audiosink = %{version}
-%description -n gstreamer-artsd
+%description -n gstreamer08x-artsd
 Plugin for outputing to artsd sound server.
-%description -n gstreamer-artsd -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-artsd -l pl
 Wtyczka wysyłająca dźwięk do serwera dźwięku artsd.
-%package -n gstreamer-audio-effects
+%package -n gstreamer08x-audio-effects
 Summary:       GStreamer audio effects plugins
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczki efektów dźwiękowych do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n gstreamer-audio-effects
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audio-effects
 GStreamer audio effects plugins.
-%description -n gstreamer-audio-effects -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audio-effects -l pl
 Wtyczki efektów dźwiękowych do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-audiofile
+%package -n gstreamer08x-audiofile
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin audiofile support
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera obsługująca pliki dźwiękowe
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Provides:      gstreamer-audiosink = %{version}
-%description -n gstreamer-audiofile
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiofile
 Plugin for supporting reading and writing all files audiofile support.
-%description -n gstreamer-audiofile -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiofile -l pl
 Wtyczka obsługująca wczytywanie i zapisywanie wszystkich plików
 dźwiękowych obsługiwanych przez bibliotekę audiofile.
-%package -n gstreamer-audio-formats
+%package -n gstreamer08x-audio-formats
 Summary:       GStreamer audio format plugins
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczki formatów dźwięku
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-audio-formats
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audio-formats
 Plugin for playback of WAV, au and mod audio files as well as MP3 type.
-%description -n gstreamer-audio-formats -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audio-formats -l pl
 Wtyczka do odwarzania dźwięku w formacie au, WAV, mod oraz MP3.
-%package -n gstreamer-cairo
+%package -n gstreamer08x-cairo
 Summary:       GStreamer cairo plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka cairo do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n gstreamer-cairo
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cairo
 GStreamer cairo plugin.
-%description -n gstreamer-cairo -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cairo -l pl
 Wtyczka cairo do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-cdaudio
+%package -n gstreamer08x-cdaudio
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for CD audio input using libcdaudio
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera odtwarzająca płyty CD-Audio przy użyciu 
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-cdaudio
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdaudio
 Plugin for playing audio tracks using libcdaudio under GStreamer.
-%description -n gstreamer-cdaudio -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdaudio -l pl
 Wtyczka do odtwarzania ścieżek dźwiękowych pod GStreamerem za pomocą
-%package -n gstreamer-cdio
+%package -n gstreamer08x-cdio
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for CD audio input using libcdio
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera odtwarzająca płyty CD-Audio przy użyciu 
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-cdio
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdio
 Plugin for playing audio tracks using libcdio under GStreamer.
-%description -n gstreamer-cdio -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdio -l pl
 Wtyczka do odtwarzania ścieżek dźwiękowych pod GStreamerem za pomocą
-%package -n gstreamer-cdparanoia
+%package -n gstreamer08x-cdparanoia
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for CD audio input using CDParanoia IV
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera odtwarzająca płyty CD-Audio przy użyciu 
CDParanoia IV
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-cdparanoia
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdparanoia
 Plugin for ripping audio tracks using cdparanoia under GStreamer.
-%description -n gstreamer-cdparanoia -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-cdparanoia -l pl
 Wtyczka do ripowania ścieżek dźwiękowych pod GStreamerem za pomocą
-%package -n gstreamer-colorspace
+%package -n gstreamer08x-colorspace
 Summary:       GStreamer colorspace conversion plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka konwersji kolorów dla GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-colorspace
+%description -n gstreamer08x-colorspace
 Colorspace plugin based on Hermes library.
-%description -n gstreamer-colorspace -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-colorspace -l pl
 Wtyczka konwersji kolorów (bazująca na bibliotece Hermes) do
-%package -n gstreamer-dirac
+%package -n gstreamer08x-dirac
 Summary:       GStreamer dirac plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka dirac do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n gstreamer-dirac
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dirac
 GStreamer dirac plugin.
-%description -n gstreamer-dirac -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dirac -l pl
 Wtyczka dirac do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-divx
+%package -n gstreamer08x-divx
 Summary:       GStreamer divx plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka divx do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-divx
+%description -n gstreamer08x-divx
 GStreamer divx plugin.
-%description -n gstreamer-divx -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-divx -l pl
 Wtyczka divx do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-dts
+%package -n gstreamer08x-dts
 Summary:       GStreamer DTS plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka DTS do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-dts
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dts
 Plugin for DTS Coherent Acoustics support.
-%description -n gstreamer-dts -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dts -l pl
 Wtyczka do GStreamera obsługująca DTS Coherent Acoustics.
-%package -n gstreamer-dv
+%package -n gstreamer08x-dv
 Summary:       GStreamer dv plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka dv do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-dv
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dv
 Plugin for digital video support.
-%description -n gstreamer-dv -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-dv -l pl
 Wtyczka do GStreamera obsługująca cyfrowy obraz.
-%package -n gstreamer-audiosink-esd
+%package -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-esd
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for ESD sound output
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka wyjścia dźwięku ESD do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Provides:      gstreamer-audiosink = %{version}
 Obsoletes:     gstreamer-esound
-%description -n gstreamer-audiosink-esd
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-esd
 Output plugin for GStreamer for use with the esound package.
-%description -n gstreamer-audiosink-esd -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-audiosink-esd -l pl
 Wtyczka wyjścia dźwięku ESD (esound) dla GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-festival
+%package -n gstreamer08x-festival
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for text-to-speech support using Festival
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera zamieniająca tekst na mowę z użyciem 
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      festival >= 1.4.1
 Requires:      gstreamer >= %{gst_req_ver}
-%description -n gstreamer-festival
+%description -n gstreamer08x-festival
 Element for text-to-speech using the festival server.
-%description -n gstreamer-festival -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-festival -l pl
 Wtyczka zamiany tekstu na mowę przy użyciu serwera Festival.
-%package -n gstreamer-flac
+%package -n gstreamer08x-flac
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for FLAC lossless audio format
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera obsługująca bezstratny format dźwięku FLAC
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-flac
+%description -n gstreamer08x-flac
 Plugin for the free FLAC lossless audio format.
-%description -n gstreamer-flac -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-flac -l pl
 Wtyczka obsługująca wolnodostępny, bezstratny format dźwięku FLAC.
-%package -n gstreamer-gdkpixbuf
+%package -n gstreamer08x-gdkpixbuf
 Summary:       GStreamer images input plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera wczytująca obrazki
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-gdkpixbuf
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gdkpixbuf
 This GStreamer plugin load images via gdkpixbuf library.
-%description -n gstreamer-gdkpixbuf -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gdkpixbuf -l pl
 Ta wtyczka GStreamera wczytuje obrazki za pośrednictwem biblioteki
-%package -n gstreamer-imagesink-gl
+%package -n gstreamer08x-imagesink-gl
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for outputing to OpenGL
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka wyjścia OpenGL do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Requires:      %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 Provides:      gstreamer-imagesink = %{version}
-%description -n gstreamer-imagesink-gl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-imagesink-gl
 GStreamer plugin for outputing to OpenGL.
-%description -n gstreamer-imagesink-gl -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-imagesink-gl -l pl
 Wtyczka wyjścia OpenGL do GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-gnomevfs
+%package -n gstreamer08x-gnomevfs
 Summary:       GStreamer plugins for GNOME VFS input and output
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczki wejścia i wyjścia GNOME VFS do GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-gnomevfs
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gnomevfs
 Plugins for reading and writing through GNOME VFS.
-%description -n gstreamer-gnomevfs -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gnomevfs -l pl
 Wtyczki do czytania i zapisywania poprzez GNOME VFS.
-%package -n gstreamer-gsm
+%package -n gstreamer08x-gsm
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for GSM lossy audio format
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera obsługująca stratny format dźwięku GSM
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-gsm
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gsm
 Output plugin for GStreamer to convert to GSM lossy audio format.
-%description -n gstreamer-gsm -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-gsm -l pl
 Wtyczka wyjścia dźwięku GSteamera konwertująca do stratnego formatu
-%package -n gstreamer-interleave
+%package -n gstreamer08x-interleave
 Summary:       GStreamer interleave plugin
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka interleave dla GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-interleave
+%description -n gstreamer08x-interleave
 GStreamer interleave plugin.
-%description -n gstreamer-interleave -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-interleave -l pl
 Wtyczka interleave dla GStreamera.
-%package -n gstreamer-jack
+%package -n gstreamer08x-jack
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin for the Jack Sound Server
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka serwera dźwięku Jack dla GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
 Provides:      gstreamer-audiosink = %{version}
-%description -n gstreamer-jack
+%description -n gstreamer08x-jack
 Plugin for the JACK professional sound server.
-%description -n gstreamer-jack -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-jack -l pl
 Wtyczka dla profesjonalnego serwera dźwięku JACK.
-%package -n gstreamer-ladspa
+%package -n gstreamer08x-ladspa
 Summary:       GStreamer wrapper for LADSPA plugins
 Summary(pl):   Wrapper do wtyczek LADSPA dla GStreamera
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
-%description -n gstreamer-ladspa
+%description -n gstreamer08x-ladspa
 Plugin which wraps LADSPA plugins for use by GStreamer applications.
-%description -n gstreamer-ladspa -l pl
+%description -n gstreamer08x-ladspa -l pl
 Wtyczka pozwalająca na używanie wtyczek LADSPA przez aplikacje
-%package -n gstreamer-lame
+%package -n gstreamer08x-lame
 Summary:       GStreamer plugin encoding MP3 songs
 Summary(pl):   Wtyczka do GStreamera kodująca pliki MP3
 Group:         Libraries
-Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register
+Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/gst-register-0.8
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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