commit 6429ca6c5259b589d3a7afda2288c9f2cced3549
Author: Jakub Bogusz <>
Date:   Mon May 20 06:30:26 2024 +0200

    - python-libarchive-c.spec updated to 5.1 for python 3.8+

 libarchive-c-mock.patch   |  14 ------
 python-libarchive-c.spec  | 119 ----------------------------------------------
 python3-libarchive-c.spec |  61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python-libarchive-c.spec b/python-libarchive-c.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d65fdc..0000000
--- a/python-libarchive-c.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Conditional build:
-%bcond_without tests   # unit tests
-%bcond_without python2 # CPython 2.x module
-%bcond_without python3 # CPython 3.x module
-Summary:       Python interface to libarchive
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive
-Name:          python-libarchive-c
-# keep 2.x here for python2 support
-Version:       2.9
-Release:       1
-License:       CC0
-Group:         Libraries/Python
-# Source0-md5: 083bd2cb0043c1e22a52cb9a05e31532
-Patch0:                libarchive-c-mock.patch
-BuildRequires: libarchive-devel
-%if %{with python2}
-BuildRequires: python-modules >= 1:2.7
-BuildRequires: python-setuptools
-%if %{with tests}
-BuildRequires: python-mock
-BuildRequires: python-pytest
-%if %{with python3}
-BuildRequires: python3-modules >= 1:3.4
-BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
-%if %{with tests}
-BuildRequires: python3-pytest
-BuildRequires: rpm-pythonprov
-BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.714
-Requires:      python-modules >= 1:2.7
-BuildArch:     noarch
-BuildRoot:     %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-A Python interface to libarchive. It uses the standard ctypes module
-to dynamically load and access the C library.
-%description -l pl.UTF-8
-Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive. Wykorzystuje standardowy moduł
-ctypes do dynamicznego ładowania i dostępu do biblioteki C.
-%package -n python3-libarchive-c
-Summary:       Python interface to libarchive
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive
-Group:         Libraries/Python
-Requires:      python3-modules >= 1:3.4
-%description -n python3-libarchive-c
-A Python interface to libarchive. It uses the standard ctypes module
-to dynamically load and access the C library.
-%description -n python3-libarchive-c -l pl.UTF-8
-Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive. Wykorzystuje standardowy moduł
-ctypes do dynamicznego ładowania i dostępu do biblioteki C.
-%setup -q -n libarchive-c-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
-%if %{with python2}
-%if %{with tests}
-%{__python} -m pytest tests
-%if %{with python3}
-%if %{with tests}
-%{__python3} -m pytest tests
-%if %{with python2}
-%if %{with python3}
-%if %{with python2}
-%doc README.rst
-%if %{with python3}
-%files -n python3-libarchive-c
-%doc README.rst
diff --git a/python3-libarchive-c.spec b/python3-libarchive-c.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..631fac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python3-libarchive-c.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without tests   # unit tests
+Summary:       Python interface to libarchive
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive
+Name:          python3-libarchive-c
+Version:       5.1
+Release:       1
+License:       CC0
+Group:         Libraries/Python
+# Source0-md5: b27a4239fe075732d1470950df2d3b05
+BuildRequires: libarchive-devel
+BuildRequires: python3-modules >= 1:3.8
+BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
+%if %{with tests}
+BuildRequires: python3-pytest
+BuildRequires: rpm-pythonprov
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.714
+Requires:      libarchive
+Requires:      python3-modules >= 1:3.8
+BuildArch:     noarch
+BuildRoot:     %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+A Python interface to libarchive. It uses the standard ctypes module
+to dynamically load and access the C library.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+Pythonowy interfejs do libarchive. Wykorzystuje standardowy moduł
+ctypes do dynamicznego ładowania i dostępu do biblioteki C.
+%setup -q -n libarchive-c-%{version}
+%if %{with tests}
+%{__python3} -m pytest tests
+%doc README.rst
diff --git a/libarchive-c-mock.patch b/libarchive-c-mock.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a9053..0000000
--- a/libarchive-c-mock.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- libarchive-c-2.9/tests/    2019-10-20 14:34:28.000000000 
-+++ libarchive-c-2.9/tests/ 2024-05-19 21:48:46.268723039 +0200
-@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ import libarchive
- from libarchive.entry import format_time
- from libarchive.extract import EXTRACT_OWNER, EXTRACT_PERM, EXTRACT_TIME
- from libarchive.write import memory_writer
--from mock import patch
-+    from unittest.mock import patch
-+except ImportError:
-+    from mock import patch
- import pytest
- from . import check_archive, in_dir, treestat

---- gitweb:

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