> But think about "big transitions", such as gcc - when most of
> C++/Fortran/Ada/GCJ-based Java stuff must be rebuilt. And many programs
> appear broken, so they wouldn't exist in distro even for few months.

All those programs will not exist, but just in devel tree on ftp. They 
however will still exist in stable tree. After doing all necessary fixes 
and rebuilding all necessary packages (no matter how long it will take) 
stuff from devel tree (after tests of course) will be moved to stable tree.

What should be different in this approach from releasing the new X 
version of PLD? After moving packages from devel to stable tree, poldek 
--upgrade-dist should do the job or if it can't it should inform 
administrator that his attention is required before performing an 
upgrade. Of course, separate builders will be required for both stable 
and devel trees, but we already have them, haven't we?

There are probably many more holes in my thinking, but I believe we 
should be able to solve these problems.

I'm OK with releasing new version of PLD with each milestone like gcc or 
glibc if 'poldek --upgrade-dist' will be the only tool needed for 
upgrade. And if poldek will be unable to perform upgrade it should 
inform me about it ie "I'm unable to perfrom upgrade-dist because of 
incompatibility between postgresql 8.0 and 8.1" or "I'm unable to 
perform upgrade: kernel24 has been removed from distribution because of 
glibc >= 2.4". That would be very nice :)

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