
i noticed an anonouce of new userspace kernel headers project:

[ cite http://headers.cross-lfs.org/ ]
For some time, a project named "linux-libc-headers", originally started by a 
developer for PLD (Polish Linux Distribution), provided a useable set of 
sanitized headers to the community at large. However, due to restrictions on 
available time by the developer, these headers have not been updated since 
Kernel 2.6.12, which leaves such recent developments like Inotify and the ABI 
Changes for PowerPC out of the headers package.

Our headers project aims to produce both a downloadable tarball of sanitized 
headers suitable for user-space use, as well as a set of scripts that, when 
run against a Linux source tarball, will create sanitized headers from the 
raw headers included in the Linux source.
[ /cite ]

we should consider the future of our llh.
we can join to that project, or try to incorporate :)
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