
In PLD Th, we have upstart as the /sbin/init daemon for some time, but
it is only used to start the old 'SysVinit' scripts from
/etc/rc.d/init.d. To make full use of Upstart features, like process
supervising, parallel start, etc. we should find a way to include
Upstart support in our packages. Though, we should not replace the
current, working solution.

I think Upstart support should be implemented as an option, coexisting
with current solution, so the administrator may choose what he prefers
and even use init.d for some services and upstart for other.

My proposition:

- packages will provide upstart configuration files in /etc/rc.d/upstart
- those could be linked or copied to /etc/init/subsys when needed
  - chkconfig would link/unlink the files when requested (global
    configuration option and command line option to prefer upstart)
  - user could copy them manually and modify them if needed
- rc-scripts won't start/stop services via /etc/rc.d/init.d scripts when
  /etc/init/subsys/$name exists
- 'service' script would use 'initctl' instead of /etc/rc.d/init.d 
  when /etc/init/subsys/$name exists
- scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d would emit 'started' and 'stopped' 
  events when necessary, so upstart services can rely on that

What do you think? Should I try to prepare a proof-of-concept

P.S. Does anybody read those 'long' posts I send to pld-devel-en? ;)
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