2012/7/6 Bartosz Taudul <wolf....@gmail.com>:
> I told you it's just a stupid kindergarten power play. Some people
> never learn...

Look. If all you guys want is to make me part of a power play, please
just count me out. Don't vote for me. I'm not interested in joining a
pre-school. I skipped that the first time around and don't think I
really missed out in life.

On the other hand if folks around here (you too wolf) have something
else in mind -- a little more mature perhaps -- maybe working together
in a professional manner -- step by step moving things forward in a
way that is useful to us and keeping things as clean as possible to
encourage new participation, then consider a vote.

I realize CDG doesn't have the power to command forward motion, but it
can help settle internal disagreements as they come up. If this is
done effectively we can cultivate an environment where innovation
continues. If you don't have reason to believe I would act with good
judgement when the time comes for that, don't vote.

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