On Tue, 09 Mar 2021, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> |Upgrading... 1:ImageMagick-libs 
> ########################################### [ 20%] 2:ImageMagick 
> ########################################### [ 40%] ==> warning: tag 273 
> type(0x6) != implicit type(0x0) 3:php53-pecl-imagick 
> ########################################### [ 60%] what can you say 
> about those messages? 1. what does it mean? 2. what's the impact (what's 
> missing, what's broken) package itself seems okay, `php -m` shows the 
> module. |

Harmless. This is


that does not exist in rpm5. So when rpm5 sees an unknown tag it assumes
it should have no type and then emits the warning.

Jan Rękorajski                    | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | baggins<at>pld-linux.org | http://www.pld-linux.org/
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