W dniu 05.05.2021 o 11:35, Jan Palus pisze:
Downgraded to version 87 and happy days.
Works for me. Did you try with fresh profile (firefox -ProfileManager), mozilla's binary (package mozilla-firefox-bin) and in case it still doesn't work stracing it?

I tried with fresh profile - the same effect. It seems like FF is reacting for clicking, but doesn't "re-paint" the interface accordingly. When I, let's say click "+" to open a new tab, then minimize the window and restore it, the new tab is there. Double-clicking on the window title (maximize/un-maximize) also refreshes the interface. Firefox 88 from mozilla-firefox-bin behaves the exact same way.

Would you mind telling me how to strace the program in a correct way, please? I did it few times in the past but always I was googling the method.


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