2010/3/17 Paweł Sikora <pl...@agmk.net>:
> witam,
> zauwazylem, ze po upgrejdzie przestalo banglac chodzenie po symlinkach
> udostepnionych w home uzytkownika a wychodzacych poza home (np. do nfs-ow
> podmontowancych w /mnt). wszystkie proby koncza sie na denied.
> smb: \> stat remote_dragon
> NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED stat file \remote_dragon
> ktos moze potwierdzic ten nowy ficzer/babol?

Z /usr/share/doc/samba-common-3.5.1/WHATSNEW.txt.gz

o The default value of "wide links" has been changed to "no".

i dodatkowo z manuala:
       wide links (S)

           This parameter controls whether or not links in the UNIX
file system may be followed by the server.
           Links that point to areas within the directory tree
exported by the server are always allowed; this
           parameter controls access only to areas that are outside
the directory tree being exported.

           Note: Turning this parameter on when UNIX extensions are
enabled will allow UNIX clients to create
           symbolic links on the share that can point to files or
directories outside restricted path exported
           by the share definition. This can cause access to areas
outside of the share. Due to this problem,
           this parameter will be automatically disabled (with a
message in the log file) if the unix extensions
           option is on.

           Default: wide links = no

Jak ustawisz:
 wide links = yes
 unix extensions = no
 follow symlinks = yes

to dawne symlinki działają.
Artur Frysiak
pld-users-pl mailing list

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