"Sponsorship Request - for Pycon Italia. We do not currently know anyone attending. If anyone wants to attend, they can send us a proposal for funding. We are not aware of anyone that is planning on attending"

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: [Plone Community] [Announcements/Minutes of Teams and Foundation Board] Board Meeting Minutes for January 25
Data:   Thu, 08 Feb 2018 21:22:24 +0000
Mittente:       Chrissy Wainwright <commun...@plone.org>
Rispondi-a: Plone Community <community+cf55974b0f4c12440a82dd3e6bb2c...@plone.org>
A:      y...@alfa.it

[cdw9] cdw9 <http://community.plone.org/u/cdw9> Chrissy Wainwright <http://community.plone.org/u/cdw9>
February 8

Meeting called to order at 20:05 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba

Absent: Carol Ganz (excused), Philip Bauer

     Approval of the minutes of January 11

Alexander moved to approve, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously Approved

   New Business

 * *Funding Request - *for Plone Bangladesh Meetup requesting $434.
   $300 is the standard amount given to a community meetup. Alexander
   made a motion to approve up to $300 for the meetup, Paul seconded.
   Unanimously approved.*
 * *Sponsorship Request* - for Pycon Italia. We do not currently know
   anyone attending. If anyone wants to attend, they can send us a
   proposal for funding. We are not aware of anyone that is planning on
 * *2018 Budget* - Alexander made a motion to approve the budget for
   2018, Kim seconded. Unanimously approved.
 * *PyCon Prep* - Sally Kleinfeldt is planning to go to PyCon and is
   willing to be the lead for the booth. Kim will put together a
   pamphlet with current Plone providers.
 * *Sponsorship Database* - Kim is moving all the sponsorship
   information into plone.org so that everything is managed in one place
 * *Team Leader Report* - Work is being done to get Hotfixes into new
   minor versions of Plone and Zope. Official Plone 5.1 release is
   being coordinated, ETA March 1.
 * *Membership Committee Report* - Erico has been doing some
   coordination, and they will be having a meeting next week. They have
   a list of potential candidates that they will be encouraging to join
   the Foundation.

   Continued Business

 * *Plone Tagung Funding Request - *We have received the budget
   outline. We have already approved up to $3000 for the event, of the
   $4500 requested. Alexander moved to approve the additional $1500
   since there will plenty of Plone people in attendance for a sprint,
   with the potential for a lot of work to get done. Victor seconded,
   unanimously approved. *
 * *EuroPython* - Paul is working to coordinate people for the booth.
   (July 23-29)
 * *PloneConf 2018 Tokyo* - Meetings have been postponed due to sickness.
 * *Domain Issues* - Paul has put together an unofficial cease and
   desist to provide to Nejc's clients. Kim will contact Nutter to ask
   about the external Trademark Watch service we use through them, as
   it doesn't seem it has been effective.

   Review Ongoing

 * *Marketing Team Lead Review - *Kim reminded us that we need to
   review the tasks for the Marketing Team Lead, and make sure they are
   up to date*
 * *PLOG* - Only 11 people had committed to attending, so they do not
   feel it would be worth it for these people to attend and possibly
   not get much accomplished. So PLOG has been cancelled for this year.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Kim seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:20 UTC


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