I have just confirmed with our release manager, Hazen Babcock, that the
development release of PLplot-5.9.2 is going ahead next weekend. The PLplot
core developers get good results for the svn/trunk version (what will become
the PLplot-5.9.2 release), but our testing is necessarily limited because we
don't have access to the wide variety of hardware platforms, operating
systems, library versions, and configurations that our users have access to.
Thus, we would appreciate testing help from our users in the next few days
on all the operating systems we support (traditional Unix, Linux, Mac OS X,
and Windows [Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, MinGW, and bare Windows]) to give us the
best chance of shaking out any remaining bugs in this forthcoming release.

If you would like to help us out this way, please download the svn/trunk
version of PLplot following the directions at
http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=2915.  (Especially note the warning
about appending "/trunk" to the URL so you only get the trunk version as
opposed to _all_ of our historical releases and branches as well as the
trunk version.) Then follow the build instructions in the INSTALL file and
the test directions (for both the build tree and install tree versions of
PLplot) in the README.testing file. See also
http://www.miscdebris.net/plplot_wiki/index.php?title=Building_PLplot and
http://www.miscdebris.net/plplot_wiki/index.php?title=Testing_PLplot from
where those files were recently copied.

Note, our testing procedures have recently been updated to be quite
comprehensive. They test our complete API for all language interfaces and
devices that we support. If you get through the tests without any errors on
your platform, then you can be virtually guaranteed that the forthcoming
PLplot-5.9.2 release will be robust on your platform.  Note, the tests take
only a few minutes to run on an entry level PC because PLplot is quite
efficient. However, you do need lots of disk space (typically 2GB in the
build tree and 2GB in the install tree) to store all the plot results that
are generated by the tests.

Please report any issues you find back to this list.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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