On 2009-03-13 11:47-0000 Alban Rochel wrote:

> Alan,
> Alan W. Irwin wrote:
>> I applied the subsequent patch you sent to remove all special SVG text
>> offsets.  (Revision 9730.) The resulting svgqt text placement is not
>> correct on konqueror so there may indeed be a bug in the Qt library in the
>> way they produce (as opposed to view) SVG files with text.
>> I have included the following screenshots of the second page of example 2
>> so that you know exactly what I am looking at.
> I've compared what I get to what you produced, and the results are... 
> interesting :0
>> (1) -dev pngcairo results as viewed by the ImageMagick "display" 
>> application
>> (which unlike SVG's gives reliable results for text positioning within
>> PNG's).  The glyphs appear to be well centred in their boxes (just like
>> all other cairo results including svgcairo as displayed by konqueror).
> Same thing for me
>> (2) konqueror result for -dev svg.  If you stare really hard at it, you 
>> will
>> notice that result is off centre to the left compared to the first
>> screenshot, but the effect is just barely noticeable so we didn't bother to
>> correct it for -dev svg.
> I have to open the file in Inkscape to get the same output as you. In 
> konqueror, see the attachment (svg_in_konqueror.png). Offset, color, font, 
> nothing is right!

My konqueror version is

ir...@raven> konqueror --version
Qt: 3.3.8b
KDE: 3.5.10
Konqueror: 3.5.9

One of the nice things about -dev svg is we are completely in control of that
device driver since there are no external library dependencies.

For -dev svg results we have checked out text positioning on a whole bunch
of different platforms/applications, and got consistently good results
except for (a) anything having to do with librsvg, and (b) old software
versions (e.g., Scribus versus Scribus_ng).  Steve Schwartz provided many of
these results so you will want to check with him.

It's possible your konqueoror version is older than mine.  On the other hand
it may be newer, and there may be some text positioning bug (and text color
bug) introduced in the new version.

I also get good -dev svg results for iceweasel (a.k.a. firefox).

It's version here is

Mozilla Iceweasel, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2008 mozilla.org

Do your firefox results look good for -dev svg?  If so, I would stick
with firefox (or inkscape) for testing of -dev svgqt.

> [...]Depending on what software I use, I get different (wrong) results, but 
> still 
> different from yours! (svgqt_in_konqueror.png svgqt_in_inkscape.png). Firefox 
> gives the same thing as Inkscape (they may have the same rendering engine, I 
> haven't checked).

Well, my bad results with konqueror and your bad inkscape results (both for
application versions that produce good -dev svg results) for -dev svgqt
indicate Qt issues with producing svg results.  That lead me to a further
test which indicates bad trouble with Qt and SVG.

I just tried to validate -dev svgqt results at http://validator.w3.org/ via
the file upload method.  There are three errors.  The first is that it
cannot automatically detect that it is svg.  So I specified svg 1.1. After
that override it detected 2 svg validation errors (for qttest02.svg, the
second page of example 2 generated by -dev svgqt). If you do decide to file
a bug report with qt, these validation issues should be addressed with the
highest priority since there is no excuse for QT to produce SVG results tht
are not compliant with the standard.  Meanwhile, I don't think we should be
concerned about other errors in the svgqt results until the validation
issues are fixed.  I have disabled svgqt (revision 9736) to discourage users
from further testing of this device because of these known issues that
require non-PLplot (Qt) work to fix.

Note, both -dev svgcairo and -dev svg produce results that are cleanly
validated by that site.

>> (4) -dev pngqt result as displayed by ImageMagick "display". The position 
>> is
>> too high, but the shift is small so you may not want to fix that.
>> The size of the characters is consistent with those from -dev svqqt, i.e.,
>> they should be expanded by ~20 per cent or so to be consistent with the 
>> size
>> of the characters from -dev svg
> On my system, it's better, but the font is wrong (sans-serif): pngqt.png

Actually, I think the font choice is fine. Comparing your pngqt result with
mine, I think they use identical san-serif fonts (but different sizes) for
the second page of example 2.  Visual inspection of the numbers block
displayed by gucharmap with different system fonts seems to give a good
match with Arial which is a sans-serif font.

A similar gucharmap experiment with the pngcairo results for the same page
indicates DejaVu Sans was used in that case.  So both the pango and qt glyph
choosing systems are coming up with sans fonts in both cases, and I think
that is the best we can expect unless and until we configure fontconfig to
use the same criteria as Qt for choosing sans glyphs or vice versa.

So I think the only pngqt issues here are the following two issues:

(1) The slightly high offset (look at
the 5's and 8's) demonstrated in both my pngqt results and yours.

(2) The ~20 per cent difference in glyph sizes between my results and yours.

(More on that issue below.)

>> (5) -dev qtwidget results showing the excessively small size of the glyphs
>> for that case.  I mentioned this issue before, but did not realize at the
>> time the size problem was only this severe for -dev qtwidget. The centering
>> looks good now for these small glyphs, but my guess is it will appear
>> slightly too high (like -dev pngqt) once the glyphs are adjusted to be the
>> correct size (like those of the first two screenshots).
> Again, mine's better yet not perfect (qtwidget.png)

The two issues here are the following:

(1) The x offset of your qtwidget result needs adjustment; the numbers are
shifted slightly too far to the right so you need a slight negative x
adjustment. Also, I see no evidence that a negative y adjustmen is needed
(unlike for pngqt).  In fact, a slight positive y adjustment might be
required instead. My glyphs are so small I cannot see whether my qtwidget
alignment issues are identical with yours.  But because our pngqt results
agreed in this respect, my guess is our qtwidget results will also (once the
size of the glyphs are the same).  Anyhow, the principal curiosity is why
are the offsets different for qtwidget and pngqt?

(2) The large (factor of two) difference in glyph size between our qtwidget

This second issue is quite puzzling for both -dev pngqt and -dev qtwidget.
Why should my glyph size change so dramatically between the two devices
while yours do not?

I am now wondering if you have a misconfigured X so the glyph sizes you get
on your system are not trustworthy.

Here is what I get for my X setup and monitor:

ir...@raven> xdpyinfo | egrep '(dimensions|resolution)'
   dimensions:    1024x768 pixels (327x243 millimeters)
   resolution:    80x80 dots per inch

That 80 dots per inch corresponds to 3.15 pixels/mm which is close enough
to the 1024/327 = 3.13 and 768/243 = 3.16 pixel/mm values I calculate
from the above "dimensions" data.

I have informed X of the actual display size, 327x243 millimeters, by
using the

DisplaySize  327 243

in the monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  You may have to do
the same to get reliable results from xdpyinfo.

If I use the -geometry option to specify a particular size
in pixels for the display for interactive PLplot devices, e.g.,

c/x02c -dev xcairo -geometry 800x600
c/x02c -dev xwin -geometry 800x600
c/x02c -dev gcw -geometry 800x600

then that displayed area should actually measure 254x191 mm from the above
"resolution" data from xdpyinfo.

I actually measure that size to be 253x187mm using my trusty meter stick
which is quite close to the prediction.

Could you please do a similar series of comparisons for your platform making
sure, first of all, that xdpyinfo is giving reasonable results?  (If not,
then you probably need to inform X of the actual size of your monitor with
the DisplaySize option.) Assuming xdpyinfo gives reasonable results for the
x and y resolution, do you also get a good prediction of the size of -dev
xcairo, xwin, and gcw results using the "resolution" numbers reported
by xdpyinfo?

The above -geometry results highlight an additional low-priority issue for
qt which is we should get that device driver to recognize the PLplot
-geometry option so the user has complete control of the pixel size of his
results for all qt-related device results.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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