Hazen Babcock wrote:
> Hazen Babcock wrote:
>> Alan W. Irwin wrote:
>>> * I modified pyqt4_test.py a bit so that it would look for the plplot and
>>>    plplot_pyqt4 extension modules in the correct place.  The result was a 
>>> GUI
>>>    with nothing plotted but no error messages.  I then modified 
>>> pyqt4_test.py
>>>    some more to put in some actual plot commands (as part of the
>>>    initialization which, of course, is not right for the long term), but
>>>    again I just got a blank GUI with no errors.  So there is obviously some
>>>    more work to do on pyqt4_test.py and possibly plplot_pyqt4.sip to make an
>>>    example that actually plots more than a blank screen. However, I will
>>>    leave such further changes to you.  I believe all the build system stuff
>>>    should just work now for you without issues.
>>>    N.B. it is important that the modules you import with
>>> from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
>>>    in pyqt4_test.py link to the same Qt4 libraries as the plplot_pyqt4
>>>    extension module.  For my downloaded Qt4.5.1 SDK version of Qt, I arrange
>>>    that by specifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately.  This is not necessary
>>>    if plplot_pyqt4.sip is built against the same system Qt4 libraries as
>>>    QtCore and QtGui point to by default.
>>>    For both my system Qt4.4 version and the downloadable Qt4.5 version I get
>>>    the above blank GUI result.
>>> I will be most interested to see whether you also replicate the blank GUI
>>> for pyqt4_test.py regardless of what plplot commands are used, and, of
>>> course, if you have any further build-system questions about the plplotqt
>>> library or the plplot_pyqt4 extension module, let me know.
>> It now builds for me as well, thanks for all your efforts to get this to 
>> work!
>> I confirm the blank plots. This is a little puzzling since the example 
>> used to work. I'll see what I can do to resolve this.
> Using printf debugging everything appears okay. The example is blank 
> because the paint method of the ext_qt driver is getting called as 
> expected. If you resize the window you can see the grey margins, also as 
> expected. Plplot core calls to "plD_line_qt" are processed. The problem 
> seems to be that in the function doPlot the plot buffer is empty. I 
> assume that this driver still works fine for the non-python examples?

Poking around a little more...

In the function plD_line_qt we are not getting past this statement:

#if defined(PLD_qtwidget) || defined(PLD_extqt)
        if(widget==NULL) widget=dynamic_cast<QtPLWidget*>((QWidget *) pls->dev);
        if(widget==NULL) return;

So the dynamic cast is not working for some reason?

printf(" %ld %ld\n", (long)pls->dev, (long)widget);

Suggests that pls->dev is valid, or at least not zero, but that widget 
is still zero after the cast.


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