On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Hazen Babcock <hbabc...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Hazen Babcock <hbabc...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
>>> If you are using a language that supports exceptions and callbacks from C
>>> you can override the PLplot's default exit() behavior.
>> I attempted that this evening with OCaml after adding plsabort and
>> plsexit support to the language bindings.  Unfortunately, I found that
>> plsexit and plsabort do not override the plabort and plexit behavior.
> Can you write your callbacks so that they never return control to PLplot?

That is a good point.  I just tested this, and at least in the case of
OCaml if the callback raises an exception then control does not return
to PLplot.  Do you know if this is safe?  I don't want to create
hard-to-debug leaks and corner cases with something like this.  A
simple test which raises exceptions on calls to plabort, catches the
exceptions and repeats this process multiple times seems to come out
valgrind-clean on my system, so my initial impression is that this is
safe for at least some of the plabort calls in PLplot.

plsexit may be less clear as a grep through src/ shows that it is
almost always used for out of memory/failed malloc calls.  Different
assumptions may be made when plexit is called, with a greater chance
of memory leaks if the program continues rather than exits.

This does not address the use of exit() in other areas of PLplot, but
as long as this approach does not create memory leaks it does address
my immediate concern.

Thank you for the comments,


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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