On 2010-04-06 08:00, Werner Smekal wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Reason is, that you either work in MSys with MinGW or in the command
> line shell of Windows (cmd.exe) with MinGW. But you can't/should not
> work in both. E.g. MSys doesn't know about C:\, can't take care of \ in
> filenames, etc.

Also note that win-bash is a single executable, there is NO installation
involved. (On Windows this is getting a PITA - you have to have
Administrator right or similar and I encounter quite a few environments
where the IT department wants to prohibit people to install anything).

> I have to admit, that I have never tested using MSys bash for ctest, but
> usually most (?, assumption on my side) programmers who are using MinGW
> use the command line shell or an IDE. MSys is incredible slow on Windows
> (even compilation), so I wouldn't recommend it using it for daily
> programming tasks - only to get an Unix based source running easily on
> Windows (using autoconf).

An additional aspect of MSYS that I do not like is that it buffers the
output. In interactive use with the examples, you see nothing at first,
then you select - blindly - a device number and only then you see the
list of devices.

> In addition cmake doesn't want to have MSys in the path, when you
> actually want the "MinGW Generator". I remember that cmake complained if
> there was an sh.exe in the path (MSys provides both bash.exe and
> sh.exe). So if you want to use the MinGW/CLI combination MSys should not
> be in the path (or at least you need to rename sh.exe).

I do not know anything about the various flavours/editions of bash.
Therefore I can not comment on the attractivity of bash 3.

As for the Fortran compiler that comes with MinGW, I find the download
site very confusing too and there are several other sources of the
GNU compiler suite for MinGW. One of them is www.equation.com. I use
the version they put up on a weekly basis.

(I still have to try the version Alan reported on - this weekend was
a long one in my country)



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