On Monday, April 19, 2010 at 22:35:33 (-0700) Alan W. Irwin writes:
 > On 2010-04-19 22:21-0500 Maurice LeBrun wrote:
 > > [...]
 > > Note, people doing polar plots (shades or contours) have to similarly 
 > > massage
 > > their data before passing it to plplot in order to pick up the continuity
 > > condition at angle 0 = 2pi.  One could claim this is an important effect 
 > > for
 > > the library to handle natively, but frankly I've never seen the need,
 > > preferring a leaner and more easily maintained API.  This is illustrated
 > > (rather quietly) in the final (polar) plot of example 16, where the angle
 > > coordinate value runs from 0 to 2pi inclusive -- providing a duplicated 
 > > data
 > > point to enforce continuity.
 > Hi Ed:
 > Let me add a bit more to what Maurice said by talking about a specific
 > example. Suppose the function you are plotting is theta(x,y), where theta =
 > arctan2(y, x) In this (simple) case, there is obviously a 2 pi discontinuity
 > in theta at +/- pi.  For lack of a better term, let's call that an
 > angle range discontinuity.
 > I don't have a lot of experience with the plcont API, but I know it is quite
 > general and the "Contour and Shade PLot" section of our documentation at
 > http://plplot.sourceforge.net/docbook-manual/plplot-html-5.9.5/contour-plots.html
 > says the following:
 > "Examples of the use of these transformation routines are given in
 > examples/c/x09c.c, examples/c/x14c.c, and examples/c/x16c.c. These same
 > three examples also demonstrate a user-defined transformation function
 > mypltr which is capable of arbitrary translation, rotation, and/or shear. By
 > defining other transformation subroutines, it is possible to draw contours
 > wrapped around polar grids etc."
 > It appears to me that last sentence is stating the user-defined
 > transformation function is the proper way to deal with contouring of angular
 > data with range discontinuities like the simple example above.  The same
 > approach may allow you to deal properly with your more general case of a
 > phase range discontinuity occuring at arbitrary curves in the x, y, plane.
 > Maurice, do you agree or was there something else you had in mind?

The general remapping of coordinates is a crucial part of it.  I was also
pointing out how one can achieve a specific functional boundary condition
i.e. f(r, 0) == f(r, 2pi) on a polar grid without having to support that in
plplot per se.  Typically when one discretizes space it's a one-to-one mapping
between grid indices and spatial coordinates barring degenerate points like
r=0 (which I have never liked and tend to avoid if possible).  If you do a
contour or shade plot for such a "regular" discretization in polar
coordinates, IIRC you end up with a plot that looks like a pie with a slice
cut out of it -- because the contourer and shader know nothing about your
boundary condition.  You've just taken a rectangular grid and stretched it
around until it approximates a circle.  To "fill in the pie slice" you need to
add in an "extra" gridpoint at 2pi.  It's redundant, so anathema to the
central loops in a simulation code, but makes the diagnostic give the result
you want.  So in this case the wrapper function is called for.

In example 16 you can see the wrap-around in theta clearly:

    for ( i = 0; i < nx; i++ ) 
        r = ( (PLFLT) i ) / ( nx - 1 ); 
        for ( j = 0; j < ny; j++ ) 
            t = ( 2. * M_PI / ( ny - 1. ) ) * j; 
            cgrid2.xg[i][j] = r * cos( t ); 
            cgrid2.yg[i][j] = r * sin( t ); 
            z[i][j]         = exp( -r * r ) * cos( 5. * M_PI * r ) * cos( 5. * 
t ); 

although like I mentioned it's not well-advertised.  Sorry..

Maurice LeBrun

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