On Friday, May 6, 2011 at 21:24:03 (+0100) Andrew Ross writes:
 > A further quirk that has come to light is that the xwin driver actually 
 > uses a single colourmap for all windows / streams, whereas plplot has 
 > individual colourmaps for each stream. This is only an issue if you have 
 > multiple windows and change the colours. I suspect this "feature" was 
 > initially for 8-bit displays and avoids the annoying flashing colours 
 > when you switched windows (anyone still remember that?) These days it is 
 > probably not really an issue.  I'm tempted to clean this up to make a 
 > per stream colourmap. Any strong opinions? 
 > I've never actually encountered this problem, but I imagine for 
 > interactive use like octave it could potentially be an issue.

It should definitely be changed to per-stream colormaps if you've got a
hankerin' to do it.  It's been an issue that did annoy me at times when using
multiple plframe widgets in an application.

Maurice LeBrun

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