On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Alan W. Irwin
<ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> @Hez: Because of my plwidth core changes, the OCaml bindings will
> not build any more.  More details below.
> To others here: use -DENABLE_ocaml=OFF for the svn trunk version
> until further notice.

Thank you for going through most of the work required to update the
OCaml bindings.  I fixed the remaining binding issues with a commit
last night so the OCaml bindings should build properly now.

> @Hez: The core changes generated build errors for the ocaml bindings so
> I made a number of adjustments to the OCaml
> bindings (such as defining a float plgwidth and float plwidth) to get
> the OCaml part of the build to work.  I think I am closer than if you
> leave the ocaml bindings completely inconsistent with the PLplot core so
> I included these changes in the above commit.

Again, your changes were definitely a big help.  The pieces that were
still broken were in the high(er) level OCaml wrapper functions.

> The current OCaml status is there is a build error (unless you use
> -DENABLE_ocaml=OFF):
> File "/home/software/plplot_svn/HEAD/build_dir/bindings/ocaml/plplot.ml",
> line 1111, characters 29-31:
> Error: This expression has type
>          color_t * axis_options_t list * axis_options_t list * int *
>          line_style_t * (plplot_axis_type -> float -> string) option
>        but an expression was expected of type
>          color_t * axis_options_t list * axis_options_t list * float *
>          line_style_t * (plplot_axis_type -> float -> string) option
> But line 1111 in that file has nothing to do with line width in any way!
> Is there some sort of offset for line numbers reported by the OCaml
> compilers?
> Since I have no idea where that build error message is coming from I
> am stuck (and everybody else is stuck) with setting -DENABLE_ocaml=OFF
> for now. I think the changes I made in bindings/ocaml are pretty
> reasonable. What I tried to do was express all pen widths as PLFLT (or
> some floating-point equivalent) and plgwid ==> plgwidth (where plgwid
> is local to just the ocaml bindings) and plwid ==>plwidth.  However,
> since I don't understand OCaml that well those changes were all done
> by rote. Do you have any idea what could be causing the above build
> issue?

The line width change caused type errors in a number of wrappers
around PLplot functions.  The OCaml bindings provide a way to build a
plot as an ordered list of plot elements which can be passed off for
rendering all at once.  A number of these elements include line width
information.  OCaml is very strict with respect to type checking (ex.
no automatic float <-> int conversion) so the line width change from
an integer to a floating point value broke these elements until the
types were changed to match the new pl(g)width functions.

The rest of the changes were continuations of this theme - providing
default values which are floating point rather than integer values and
updating the examples accordingly.

Thank you again Alan!


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