
I tried building the PLplot library with the NAG Fortran compiler and noticed 
something unusual in the Fortran code. In plplot_types.f90 the kind constants 
are declared as:

   integer, parameter :: plint  = 4

   integer, parameter :: plunicode  = 4

These are not portable and neither are part of the standard. To make it 
portable and adhere to the Fortran standard, use:

  integer, parameter :: plint = selected_int_kind(9)

  integer, parameter :: plunicode = selected_int_kind(9)

Or even better:

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env

  integer, parameter :: plint = INT32

  integer, parameter :: plunicode = INT32

Best regards,

Dr. Wadud Miah
Computational Scientist
Numerical Algorithms Group
01865 518035


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