Hi Pedro
Glad you have things working. I believe Alan is close to having a new
release of Plplot so I'm not sure if now is a suitable time to
introduce new features, but I will add overloads of the Create
function to my to do list for early in the next release cycle.

Regarding the old version. There are very significant behind the
scenes changes to help with code management. The old device is no
longer being actively worked on. The driver for putting things in a
template is that it means that you can have a plplot window based on
any kind of wxWindow. Of course most often we create a wxPanel, but
the example uses a wxFrame as does your code and if you really wanted
you could create a wxPLplotwindow<wxButton> or if someone in the
future generated a wxAcceleratedGraphicsWindow that used OpenGL then I
guess that could be rendered to as well - or at least it wouldn't mean
an API change to make use of it.


On 9 October 2016 at 06:19, Pedro Vicente
<pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
> Hi Phil
>> Traditionally colour 0 has always been the background colour, so
>> plscol0 passing in colour 0 is the same as plscolbg. You should use
>> plcol(1) or upwards for rendering.
> ok, I understand now, it seems it was just me trying to redefine color index
> 0 2 times , and there is no need to
> this code worked for me (white background with color 0, black plot with
> color 1)
> bool wxAppPlot::OnInit()
> {
>  wx_PLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wx_PLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>  frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"),
>    wxDefaultPosition,
>    wxSize(900, 700));
>  frame->Show();
>  wx_PLplotstream* pls = frame->GetStream();
>  pls->init();
>  pls->adv(0);
>  pls->scol0(0, 255, 255, 255);
>  pls->clear();
>  pls->scol0(1, 0, 0, 0);
>  //render
>  plot_window(frame);
>  return true;
> }
> Note here that I am using my modified version "wx_PLplotstream" that does
> not call
> init();
> but I am calling init(); right at start , so this is the same I think of
> using the regular class "wxPLplotstream"
> so, my confusion came because I was convinced that to modify the background,
> this had to be done *before* calling
> init();
> but it seems we don't have to do it that way, is that right ?
> the documenation says that it is needed
> http://plplot.sourceforge.net/docbook-manual/plplot-html-5.11.1/color.html
> "There are a number of options for changing the default red on black colors.
> The user may set the index 0 background color using the command-line bg
> parameter or by calling plscolbg (or plscol0 with a 0 index) before plinit.
> During the course of the plot, the user can change the foreground color as
> often as desired using plcol0 to select the index of the desired color. "
> or is just this sequence of calls that makes it not necessary to do it
> before init() ?
> pls->adv(0);
>  pls->scol0(0, 255, 255, 255);
>  pls->clear();
>  pls->scol0(1, 0, 0, 0);
>> I don't think I can or should remove the plinit call in
>> wxPLstream::Create because I think that has been there a long time and
>> would break other users' existing code.
> ok, understood, that makes sense , yes
>> However I could overload the
>> Create function so that it accepts some extra initialisation variables
>> such as background colour.
> that would be a must have if the only way to change the background was to do
> it before init()
> but since it seems that is not needed so not really a must have
> but maybe there are other things that can only be done before  init()
> by the way, I have a small request , is that possible to keep the
> "deprecated" wxWidgets classes around?
> it seems the only difference is that new wxWidgets is the use of templates
> as in
> template< class WXWINDOW >
> void plot_window(wx_PLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow);
> my experience with templates is that they make the code more difficult to
> track and find bugs
> Maybe merge the "deprecated" wxWidgets and the new one just into one file or
> class and give the option to use either one (don't know
> if this makes sense)
> -Pedro
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Rosenberg"
> <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>
> To: "Pedro Vicente" <pedro.vice...@space-research.org>
> Cc: <plplot-gene...@lists.sourceforge.net>;
> <plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 7:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] [Plplot-general] wxWidgets driver -- change
> thedefault blackbackground
>> Hi Pedro
>> Traditionally colour 0 has always been the background colour, so
>> plscol0 passing in colour 0 is the same as plscolbg. You should use
>> plcol(1) or upwards for rendering. In some ways it is up to you how
>> you do that. You can either set up you pallet at the beginning using
>> plscol0 or plscsol0a then use plcol0(1), plcol0(2) etc, or you can
>> just always use plscol0(1), but use repeated calls to plscol0 or
>> plscol0a to keep changing colour 1.
>> Do you happen to call plenv() after setting colour 0 to black again? I
>> have a feeling that plenv() may clear the page again. But I'm not
>> sure. If you are still haing problems using colours 1 and above for
>> drawing then let us know and I'll have a further look.
>> I don't think I can or should remove the plinit call in
>> wxPLstream::Create because I think that has been there a long time and
>> would break other users' existing code. However I could overload the
>> Create function so that it accepts some extra initialisation variables
>> such as background colour.
>> Phil
>> On 6 October 2016 at 16:41, Pedro Vicente
>> <pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
>>> Phil
>>> I believe there is stiil an issue with this solution
>>> my sample worked because I had
>>> plcol0(8);
>>> that does the plot in brown color
>>> if I try to plot in black color (on white bacground now) by doing
>>> plcol0(0);
>>> then I have no plot, since color 0 is now white
>>> is there a way with this solution to define color 0 as black for the
>>> plot?
>>> I tried to call
>>> plscol0(0, 0, 0, 0);
>>> as
>>> wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>  pls->adv(0);
>>>  pls->scolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>  pls->clear();
>>>  plscol0(0, 0, 0, 0);
>>> but like this I have the default red on black again
>>> for now, the way I was able to have the black on white background was to
>>> replicate all the code
>>> of
>>> wxPLplotwindow
>>> wxPLplotwindow
>>> into new classes , giving them another name, commenting the init() call
>>> on
>>> them and then
>>> doing this code (note that the classes are renamed to wx_PLplotwindow and
>>> wx_PLplotstream)
>>> bool wxAppPlot::OnInit()
>>> {
>>>  wx_PLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wx_PLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>>>  frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"),
>>>    wxDefaultPosition,
>>>    wxSize(900, 700));
>>>  frame->Show();
>>>  //set background color (0) to white RGB(255,255,255)
>>>  //must be called before plinit()
>>>  plscolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>  wx_PLplotstream* pls = frame->GetStream();
>>>  pls->init();
>>>  //change color (0) to black RGB(0, 0, 0)
>>>  //must be called after plinit()
>>>  plscol0(0, 0, 0, 0);
>>>  Plot(frame);
>>>  return true;
>>> }
>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> //Plot
>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> template< class WXWINDOW >
>>> void Plot(wx_PLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow)
>>> {
>>>  wx_PLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>  //render
>>>  const int NSIZE = 101;
>>>  PLFLT x[NSIZE], y[NSIZE];
>>>  PLFLT xmin = 0, xmax = 100, ymin = 0, ymax = 10;
>>>  for (int i = 0; i < NSIZE; i++)
>>>  {
>>>    x[i] = i;
>>>    y[i] = 5;
>>>  }
>>>  plschr(0, 1.0);
>>>  plcol0(0);
>>>  plenv(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0);
>>>  pllab("x", "y", "Label");
>>>  plpoin(NSIZE, x, y, 46);
>>>  plotwindow->RenewPlot();
>>> }
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pedro Vicente"
>>> <pedro.vice...@space-research.org>
>>> To: "Phil Rosenberg" <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>
>>> Cc: <plplot-gene...@lists.sourceforge.net>;
>>> <plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 10:44 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] [Plplot-general] wxWidgets driver -- change
>>> thedefault blackbackground
>>>> Hi Phil, Alan
>>>> This solution worked for me, thanks
>>>>> The easiest way to do this at the moment is something like
>>>>> wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>>> pls->adv( 0 );
>>>>> pls->scolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>>> pls->clear();
>>>>> //rest of your plotting code
>>>>> I'm very open to better ways
>>>>> to do this if you have suggestions.
>>>> The only suggestion I have is the one I sent on my previous mail, that
>>>> was *not* to have
>>>> wxPLplotstream::Create
>>>> call
>>>> init()
>>>> and let the user do that on his application.
>>>> By looking at the samples, I believe they all call plinit() at start,
>>>> my complete test code is now
>>>> #include "wx/wxprec.h"
>>>> #include "wx/wx.h"
>>>> #include "wxPLplotwindow.h"
>>>> template< class WXWINDOW >
>>>> void Plot(wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow);
>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>> //wxAppPlot
>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>> class wxAppPlot : public wxApp
>>>> {
>>>> public:
>>>>  virtual bool OnInit();
>>>> };
>>>> IMPLEMENT_APP(wxAppPlot)
>>>> bool wxAppPlot::OnInit()
>>>> {
>>>>  wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>>>>  frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"),
>>>>    wxDefaultPosition,
>>>>    wxSize(900, 700));
>>>>  frame->Show();
>>>>  Plot(frame);
>>>>  return true;
>>>> }
>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>> //Plot
>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>> template< class WXWINDOW >
>>>> void Plot(wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow)
>>>> {
>>>>  wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>>  pls->adv(0);
>>>>  pls->scolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>>  pls->clear();
>>>>  //render
>>>>  const int NSIZE = 101;
>>>>  PLFLT x[NSIZE], y[NSIZE];
>>>>  PLFLT xmin = 0, xmax = 100, ymin = 0, ymax = 10;
>>>>  for (int i = 0; i < NSIZE; i++)
>>>>  {
>>>>    x[i] = i;
>>>>    y[i] = 5;
>>>>  }
>>>>  plschr(0, 1.0);
>>>>  plcol0(8);
>>>>  plenv(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0);
>>>>  pllab("x", "y", "Label");
>>>>  plpoin(NSIZE, x, y, 46);
>>>>  plotwindow->RenewPlot();
>>>> }
>>>> -Pedro
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Rosenberg"
>>>> <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>
>>>> To: "Pedro Vicente" <pedro.vice...@space-research.org>
>>>> Cc: <plplot-gene...@lists.sourceforge.net>;
>>>> <plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 5:55 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] [Plplot-general] wxWidgets driver -- change
>>>> the
>>>> default blackbackground
>>>>> Hi Pedro
>>>>> The easiest way to do this at the moment is something like
>>>>> wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>>> pls->adv( 0 );
>>>>> pls->scolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>>> pls->clear();
>>>>> //rest of your plotting code
>>>>> If you have multiple subpages then you will need to do this on each
>>>>> page. Also if your subpages don't cover all the windows then you can
>>>>> call the SetBackgroundColour method of wxPLplotwindow and this will
>>>>> clear the whole window to the given colour initially.
>>>>> Hope that helps. If not then let me know. I'm very open to better ways
>>>>> to do this if you have suggestions.
>>>>> Phil
>>>>> On 6 October 2016 at 06:00, Pedro Vicente
>>>>> <pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
>>>>>> so, there are at least 2 solutions for this :
>>>>>> 1) the quick is just to modify the PLplot source code , in the call to
>>>>>> void wxPLplotstream::Create
>>>>>> comment the call to
>>>>>> //init();
>>>>>> then in our app code , do the init() call after Create() . as
>>>>>> ~~~
>>>>>> bool wxAppPlot::OnInit()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>   wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>>>>>>   frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"),
>>>>>>     wxDefaultPosition,
>>>>>>     wxSize(900, 700));
>>>>>>   frame->Show();
>>>>>>   //set background color (0) to white RGB(255,255,255)
>>>>>>   //must be called before plinit()
>>>>>>   plscolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>>>>   wxPLplotstream* pls = frame->GetStream();
>>>>>>   pls->init();
>>>>>>   //change color (0) to black RGB(0, 0, 0)
>>>>>>   //must be called after plinit()
>>>>>>   plscol0(0, 0, 0, 0);
>>>>>>   Plot(frame);
>>>>>>   return true;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ~~~
>>>>>> since it seems the only way to modiy the background color is to do the
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> sequence
>>>>>> this is a change that I recommend to be included in the libray, since
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> believe the other drivers require a call to init() too, but not the
>>>>>> wxWidgets driver.
>>>>>> 2) not modifying the source code. In this case , I think it should be
>>>>>> possible to derive 2 classes ,
>>>>>> a) one from wxPLplotwindow
>>>>>> b) other from wxPLplotwindow
>>>>>> then do everything in those classes as now except the call to init()
>>>>>> but if the developers could do option 1) that probably would be the
>>>>>> best
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> -Pedro
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: Pedro Vicente
>>>>>> To: plplot-gene...@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 6:42 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [Plplot-general] wxWidgets driver -- change the default
>>>>>> blackbackground
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I am trying to change the default black background color using the
>>>>>> wxWidgets
>>>>>> driver
>>>>>> If using the SVG driver this can be done as explained here
>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/p/plplot/mailman/message/2817799/
>>>>>> the trick being calling
>>>>>> plscolbg()
>>>>>> before
>>>>>> plinit();
>>>>>> like the  sample code below marked "SVG Driver" does
>>>>>> However for the wxWidegts driver , it seems we do not do a call to
>>>>>> plinit();
>>>>>> but rather this is done inside the C++ stream initialization
>>>>>> From the wxWidgets PLplot sample below
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> plinit();
>>>>>> is made inside
>>>>>> frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"));
>>>>>> so I don't find a way to call the plscolbg() function before
>>>>>> How can this be accomplished ?
>>>>>> I also tried to modify the default colors of the default palette
>>>>>> cmap0_default.pal
>>>>>> 16
>>>>>> #000000
>>>>>> so that the first is white
>>>>>> this does work *but* only after the window is redrawn (it first shows
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> default red on black);
>>>>>> this seems like a bug to me
>>>>>> Also, what's the call to increase the font size?
>>>>>> On the wxWidgets driver the font looks tiny
>>>>>> Thanks !
>>>>>> Sample code wxWidgets
>>>>>> bool
>>>>>> wxAppPlot::OnInit()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>>>>>> frame->Create(
>>>>>> NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"));
>>>>>> frame->Show();
>>>>>> Plot(frame);
>>>>>> return true;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> //Plot
>>>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> template
>>>>>> < class WXWINDOW >
>>>>>> void
>>>>>> Plot(wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>>>> //render
>>>>>> plotwindow->RenewPlot();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Sample code SVG driver
>>>>>> void
>>>>>> atms_dwell_granu_t::plot()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> //set SVG device and output file name
>>>>>> plsdev("svg");
>>>>>> plsfnam("atms_dwell_granu.svg");
>>>>>> //set background color (0) to white RGB(255,255,255)
>>>>>> //must be called before plinit()
>>>>>> plscolbg(255, 255, 255);
>>>>>> //initialize plplot
>>>>>> plinit();
>>>>>> //change color (0) to black RGB(0, 0, 0)
>>>>>> //must be called after plinit()
>>>>>> plscol0(0, 0, 0, 0);
>>>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> //render
>>>>>> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>>> PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
>>>>>> PLFLT *x, *y;
>>>>>> const int NSIZE = iOrbit_all;
>>>>>> xmin = 0;
>>>>>> xmax = NSIZE;
>>>>>> ymin = -1.0;
>>>>>> ymax = 6.0;
>>>>>> x =
>>>>>> new PLFLT[NSIZE];
>>>>>> y =
>>>>>> new PLFLT[NSIZE];
>>>>>> plcol0(0);
>>>>>> plenv(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0);
>>>>>> pllab("", "Current (Amps)", "Scan Drive Main Motor Current");
>>>>>> //time axis
>>>>>> for (int idx_orb = 0; idx_orb < NSIZE; idx_orb++)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> x[idx_orb] = idx_orb;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> //mean
>>>>>> for (int idx_orb = 0; idx_orb < NSIZE; idx_orb++)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> y[idx_orb] = DWELL_SAMPLE_APID517_Orbit[0][TLM_NUM_ORBIT -
>>>>>> 1][idx_orb];
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> plpoin(NSIZE, x, y, 46);
>>>>>> plend();
>>>>>> delete[] x;
>>>>>> delete[] y;
>>>>>> }
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