To Phil and Pedro:

Now that 5.12.0 has been released, I am writing a series of posts to
our active developers with this subject line.

If either of you has any additional wxwidgets development in mind beyond what I
discuss below, please let me know.

For this release cycle I encourage both of you to continue your
efforts to deal with obvious wxwidgets bugs (such as the unexpected
black rather than expected white background color for the first page
of example 16) to complement the work I plan to do deal with the last
of the wxwidgets device driver efficiency issues on Linux. Your goal
should be that each of our C examples with -dev wxwidgets should
produce exactly the same results (except possibly for text size) as
given at <>/examples.php>.

It would be great if one of you got the currently retired wxpng file
device going again as an aid for such comparisons with other
file-based plot results.  But even better would be if you implemented
a wxwidgets-based SVG device (see
<>).  The reason I particularly
mention SVG as a file format is the generated results are written in
XML and therefore are straightforward to interpret and debug by visual
comparison of that XML result with other SVG (from -dev svg, -dev
svgcairo, or -dev svgqt) results for the same standard example.

@Phil: We were all agreed (see the February 2016 thread with the
subject line "Error report system plus thread safety" that our current
use of calls to exit() or the equivalent plexit whenever an error
condition was encountered was an important issue for our
users using interactive environments, i.e., one PLplot error ==> takes
down entire interactive work without giving the user a chance to save
anything ==> one less user interested in using PLplot!

During that thread you were strongly recommending using a
setjmp()/longjmp() C-based exception model because you are very
comfortable with using exception handling in C++ and the amount of
editing required to implement it would be much smaller than the return
code method.  Although Hazen had a substantially more cautious
attitude, I was happy to go along with that C exception approach
rather than the alternative return code method because of my knowledge
of the extreme length of many of our call/caller graphs and the large
amount of the work it would be for us to check _all_ calls of _all_
PLplot functions within our C library code for invalid return codes.

   A google search for the search terms <c error handling longjmp setjmp>
   gives lots of hits.  Phil, I would appreciate you looking at the top
   several and letting me know which you think is the best for learning
   about exception handling in C.

The final upshot of that thread was you planned to make a proof of
concept for us to look at (and help you propagate it to everywhere
else in our C code during this release cycle if we liked that proof of
concept). Anyhow, could you please implement that proof of concept

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
software package (; the libLASi project
(; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
and the Linux Brochure Project (

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