> > I'm writing a tool to pluck news.  Do any non-Unix newsreaders hold
> > articles in a spool-like structure and use newsrc files?
>       There was a perl script out there awhile back that someone
> specifically wrote to put news directly into Sitescooper and Plucker. I know
> I posted it here in the list, but I can't recall when or what the tool's
> name was. DOH! 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb bucket (my brain). It was on a .nl
> site IIRC. I'll search around and see if I can find something.

OK, thanks, but I have this working from spool now (apart from a slight
problem with the mailto) and it should be fairly easy to make it run
straight off NNTP if desired.  I've written it mostly in python because
all systems using plucker should have python installed, right?


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