---Reply to mail from Michael Nordstrom about Unit test

> On Thu, Feb 19, 2004, Chris Hawks wrote:
>> Done! Now my only problem is my lack of 5-way/Jogdial support.
> You can add the ifdefs to the test files; kind of useless to try to
> test something that isn't available on the device ;-)

Done! I'm wondering if we should add a 'dummy' test. That would keep the
count of tests (and their position) constant no matter what options are


    add_test_case( group, "Back (jogdial)", TestExternalFormLinksJogDialBack );
    add_test_case( group, "Back (Fake jogdial)", TestDummy );

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
Now I know someone out there is going to claim, "Well then, UNIX is intuitive,
because you only need to learn 5000 commands, and then everything else follows
from that! Har har har!"
    -- Andy Bates on "intuitive interfaces", slightly defending Macs

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