---Reply to mail from Alexander R. Pruss about PPI

>>     I see you added support for DBicty to PPI. You negelected to change
>> (or commit, maybe) ppi.rcp.in to go with it.
> I changed ppi.rcp instead of ppi.rcp.in locally.  Oops, fixed.
>> Also, it would be simpler (I think) to add only 1 BDicty to the lists and
>> tell users of the 'free' version that they must 'paste' to lookup the
> word.
> That would mean that even full-version users will get their clipboard
> clobbered.  I don't know if this matters.  Change it (and modify
> docs/PPI.tex, too) if you think it should be changed.

    I see that the BDicty s _are_ different in the rcp (free and full), so
it's good!

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
'Socialism is when man exploits man, Capitalism is the reverse' 
    -- Polish Proverb

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