~ Oh no, what did he do this time?
          I have finally reached this far corner of tasks on my plate, and
          managed to get the Plucker CVS commit emails all indexed and put
          into a list for subscribing.

        ~ In English this time please (what does that mean?)
          For each change made to Plucker that is committed to our revision
          control system (currently cvs, though plans to test and
          potentially move to Subversion are in the works), a log entry is
          generated. This log entry is parsed, and an email is created,
          which can be used to track changes to Plucker's main codebase. For
          5+ years, these emails have been sitting in a folder, doing
          nothing except collecting dust.

        ~ How long have you been getting these emails?
          Since November 1999, according to my archives. 3,213 messages so
          far, going from November 13 1999 to current. Early on, these were
          only meant to track any possible problems with the cvs, and they
          were redirected to a separate folder anyway, unseen by anyone
          except myself. They actually are pretty useful for tracking
          development, so I've made them public.

        ~ So this is just for developers, right?
          No, definately not. Users who are interested in seeing how their
          currently-reported bugs or features are coming along are also
          welcome to track some of the changes being done to the codebase.
          Developers will probably benefit the most, but anyone is welcome
          to join and read the commits as they happen, on a near-live basis.

        ~ Can I post messages or replies to these emails?
          No, unfortunately you cannot. The list is read-only, and heavily
          moderated to keep spam and anything else that might try to sneak
          posts onto the list out. There are other mailing lists (like this
          one) that should be used for discussing code changes or bugs or
          features or any other aspect of Plucker. You should use them
          instead, for posting messages and issues.

        ~ Great! Lead the way, how do I subscribe to it?
          Point your browser to http://lists.plkr.org/ and click on the
          'plucker-commits' list listed there and subscribe. It may take a
          few hours for the domain name to propagate around the world's dns,
          but it will be functional by the time you get this message,
          hopefully. If not, try back in a few hours.

          You can also subscribe by sending a message to the email address
          of 'plucker-commits-subscribe', with the word 'subscribe' in the
          subject of the email (or is it the body, I forget, use both ;)

        If you find any glaring issues, bugs, account problems, or things
you think I can add to enhance that particular list or any other features of
the public web presence, scripts, docs, etc., please let me know, and I'll
try to get right on it. I've also got the Plucker lists going back to 1998
or so that I will archive in a similar fashion, in the same place (also
read-only, since the main lists are graciously hosted by Mark Lillywhite on
rubberchicken.org). The news server will be back up as well, once some new
hardware arrives here on the Right Coast to handle it.

        Fun things are coming... keep on Plucking!

plucker-dev mailing list

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