It should be quite simple to write a script that could convert documents from the new format to the old format (without the new features), though.

Would it be possible to make the viewer do this automagically, upon opening an "older" format document? The problem I see with writing a script to convert the documents, is that we'll be in the mess of cross-platform compatibility issues.

        Or perhaps an UpdatePlkr.prc that can be launched to do it?

Also, the other bit of a problem, is having to convert the documents to the _older_ format. For example, if someone submits a Plucker document to MemoWare or PalmGear in the "new" format, and someone without the latest viewer tries to read/run it..

A script would be better in the short term, but I think we'll run into all kinds of new bug reports from users who 1.) can't run the script, 2.) don't want to run the script, 3.) complain that Plucker is broken ;)

It might even be a good idea to add another field that includes the header size (or offset to the text/image data) to be able to handle future changes without breaking the format.

I agree with this, definately.


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