> On the Palm OS, it appears that the Plucker .prc cannot be beamed 
> except through a utility like FileZ. Is this the case? Is there an 
> easy way to change that?

        Due to the way PalmOS handles applications by searching for 
them by CreatorID, beaming Plucker through the standard OS methods 
will also beam all documents and resources with the 'Plkr' CreatorID. 
For Palm devices with lots of documents, or private documents, this 
may not be ideal.

        FileZ is probably the best way to do it, or you could add some 
custom hooks in Plucker itself to beam the .prc (and don't forget the 
compression lib; SysZLib.prc, if installed), from within Plucker 

        A good menu title for that could be "Share Plucker" or 
something along those lines.. Nobody has offered that as a patch or 
suggested feature before that I can recall. 

        Care to send a patch that introduces that feature along for 

David A. Desrosiers
plucker-dev mailing list

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