Some time ago I started the discussion on similar topic (metadata,
and--especially--charset metadata) of sequences of "continued" text
records in Plucker documents.
Support for them was successfully added to Vade-Mecum, and now I
have questions about how to handle charset metadata of sequences of
"linked" text records -- I mean that old-style
sequences of records with "Click here for the next/previous part".

1) The current version of PyPlucker assigns charset metadata for
the whole sequence only to the first record of a sequence, as it
does for sequences of continued text records.

My claim is that it's hell to implement support for this since,
unlike the continued records, there's no other way to find the head
of a record (to get the record's charset) but scanning back the
whole sequence, uncompressing records as we go, etc.
I think this is not well-thought design, and I think that it's
simpler to fix the distiller (to include ExceptionalCharset
metadata field for each record in a sequence that should have one)
than to implement such support in a reader.

OTOH, I think that this may be considered as "well defined
behaviour" and thus woun't be changed.
So there's my next question:

2) Can I assume that the format for the next/previous links of the
records in subject is well-defined? I mean, that it always reads
"Click here for..." and cannot be, say, localized (translated to
other language) on behalf of a distiller. Does it?
This is paramount for implementing programmatic detection of the
sequences of that "linked" text records.
If this format is fixed, I think that should be explicitly stated in
the documentation.

And the last question (not strictly related to the above two):
in the thread about metadata of continued text record we discussed
the patches for the Plucker DB format documentation, but the
documentation seems lacking this changes. May they be added? Or can
I create an appropriate documentation patch by itself and send it
to the maintainer? Will it be accepted?

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