Salve Alexander, Michael and ML!

On Sat, 17 Jun 2006, Michael Nordstrom wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 17, 2006, Alexander R. Pruss wrote:
> > I wonder if it would be very hard to port the C++ parser (what is its 
> > status anyway?) to PalmOS?  If not, it would be a lovely addition to 
> > Plucker Viewer for those of us who have Internet connected Palms.

> On the other hand, Plucker
> converted content could be more readable since it adjust the text and
> images for the smaller screen (the browser in the Tungsten C is a PITA
> sometimes when the content is hard-coded for a much larger screen).

There is also a big overhead and most of mobile internetconnetions
are very expensive. 
Alexander, I have a debian vserver for 3 Euro/month and I would
use a ssh2 client on the Palm and use plucker on this server.
With crontab I would run plucker for regular offline read pages...

Arround 1999 I used Top Gun Wingman with 9600baud via GSM,
so Alexanders idea is not so bad, but IMHO should it be
a client/server solution that reduce traffic....
OK I know that this is not exactly what Alexander wants,
but with a fork like that (some idea for a fork):
-plucker could become a proxy
-the reader could become a proxycache, so evey page loaded
 becomes part of the local plucker document
-the client could transmit a joblist (also cronjob) for
 the proxy
-the sever could reconiced change pages and create a document
 of the new ones...
-the client could maybe handle two files as one:
-- mirror of pages and
-- and the update with the new pages 

But on the road _with_ internetconnections, 
I wouldn't use plucker without a server
- and this you can do already today, without a fork
or porting it to run it with PalmOS ;)

Just my 2 cents,
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