Looks like http is such a simple protocol that this is really easy to do.

Download the script from http://prussfamily.us/pluckserv.pl

Edit the location of PyPlucker/Spider.py in line 2 and edit line 3 to be a regular expression for checking whether to accept an IP address. (My server currently rejects all connections from outside Georgetown University.)

Install on your server (I created an init.d script by twiddling with the pure-ftpd script--I'm a complete amateur about this).

Then download, say, www.cnn.com/WORLD at depth 1 into MyNewPluckerFile.pdb by downloading the following URL:
For depth 0, you can also omit the "1/" at the beginning.

I have it installed on Linux and tried an earlier version on Windows.

Internet Explorer is kind of brain-dead about this or I did something dumb--it tries to show the pdb file as text (even though I set the mime type to application/x-pilot-pdb). Suggestions are welcome.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1133  U.S.A.
online papers and home page: www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
"Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)
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