On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 02:51:33PM -0400 Alexander R Pruss wrote:
> I've updated my quick-and-dirty Plucker server to work with Sunrise 
> 0.42.  It's a perl script that listens to port 4000 and responds to 
> a web server with a pdb file. 

Thanks.  This more than makes up for what the linux version of Sunrise
lacks compared to its windows counterpart.

> Faster and more convenient than firing up some desktop program, and
> choosing settings.

Exactly.  I have got it running on localhost.  I thought that with the
use of a little bookmarklet such as this one, I could quickly pluck the
current page with one click.


However, the bookmarklet fails because the script doesn't return a
a pdb when the name parameter is not added to the
url(acceptWithNoPDBExtension still requires that a name be provided).
Is this a bug or could you modify the script to generate the pdb with some
random name in such cases?

I also see a lot of error messages printed to stdout:
print() on closed filehandle LOG at [pathto]/pluckserv.pl line 182, <GEN4> line 


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