On 2021-06-10 11:37, Brian Cluff via PLUG-discuss wrote:
System Settings -> Window Managment -> Window Rules
 Click on New
 Set the Description to something like "No Full Screen" and leave
everything else alone, it they should all be set to Unimportant.
 Click on the "Size & Position" tab
 Check the box next to "Fullscreen" then change the select box next
to it to "Force"  and the bubble next to that should be set to "No"
 Click OK and it will warn you with the verbage that means that it's
going to match ALL windows which would normally not be good, but
that's what you want.
 Then click Apply on the main System Setting windows and enjoy your
no full screen system.

The first time I tried this, it worked; pushing the "Full Screen" button on gwenview put the full screen mode of gwenview into gwenview's window and did not expand the window. Then I removed the rule, and full screen in gwenview worked again. Then I thought "Wait, what about GTK+ applications?" I put the rule back. Gimp's full screen mode went to full screen, which I sort of expected. So did gwenview's, which I did not.

And now every application is able to go full screen, regardless of the rule's presence. I'm a bit confused as to why it'd work the first time and not the second time.

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