Lisa Kachold wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Technomage <>wrote:
>> Well,
>> it seems that the fedora project has rather a problem.
>> all mirrors report that the repomd.xml data file are not properly linked
>> metahandlers.
>> this is rather a problem fro doing net installs on a machine that
>> doesn't have a dvd player :(
>> I have tried also FC-10 and even 9. all have the same problem.
> I was seeing the same thing.
> Bummer!
I found the reason a little while ago.
it appears that the fedora project let all their SSL certs expire.
as a result, their secure servers aren't relaying the proper info anymore.
So, I simply modifed the address to point at their non-SSL servers 
(removed the s from https) and
all works as it should. Someone over at The fedora Project needs to get 
back on the ball

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