Excerpts from Technomage's message of Sun Jul 18 02:56:40 -0700 2010:
> just found your blog man (I was trying to locate when  plug was 
> officially founded).
> I noticed that you mentioned:
>   "Some claim that there is a Steering Committee associated with PLUG,
> however the names of the members of this group have never been released 
> to the public."
> I can conform that there was in  fact a "steering committee" (I should 
> know, I was on it).
> I have long since forgotten the names of the others on it. The committee 
> was disbanded shortly after
> the members agreed to a base set of rules to found plug as a 'semi 
> professional"
> community oriented Linux users group.
> That founding occurred back in mid 1998. most of the list didn't start 
> getting seriously archived until early 1999.
> I kn ow Der.hans was pretty much in there from  the beginning (you still 
> on list Hans?).
> About 4 years ago, I quit coming to the east side meetings 
> (transportation was an issue and as I am visually impaired,
> driving was out of the question). I have been mostly listening on this 
> list for some long time.
> anyway, there's been a lot of technical stuff on here over the years 
> (and some x-posting from AZIPA and
> a few other groups linux related).
> These days, I am mostly on OS X but i do putter around with linux under 
> virtualbox. I seem to
> have fallen off the learning wagon and am now trying to get back into 
> the "scene" as it were
> (and its a long climb and a lot of bad habits to undo). I really wish i 
> could get some  rides to
> the east side meetings but given i am still out here at 83rd ave. near 
> Indianschool road, its going
> to be hard to arrange. I haven't seen any notices for a west side 
> meeting in some time though
> (you still doing that tuna?).

This Wednesday at Buffalo Wings & Rings on Dysart & Thomas. See you there?

> anyway, I thought I'd pop on list and remind you guys that some of us 
> old guard are still about.
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