Am 18. Jul, 2011 schwätzte Dazed_75 so:

moin moin Larry,

Does anyone know a way to set a default or to specify search results be
restricted to, say, the last year WITHOUT having to go to Advanced Search
every time.  I am REALLY tired of search results for Linux that are so far
out of time as to be too often useless.

Check for Firefox plugins that will allow you to set some defaults
client-side. I think LifeHacker has one. It's a GreaseMonkey script.

You might also be able to specify it in the URL for the search box, so you
could add a specific search to your search box options in Firefox.

There are also probably ways to do it via google accounts if you login and
allow google cookies.


#  "But you could teach these skills to a high-school student, and you could
#  probably teach them to an artist."  -- Richard Roberts
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