Am 12. Feb, 2012 schwätzte Lisa Kachold so:

moin moin,

Has anyone used Percona?

Used it at the last job. Worked quite well for us. We used it as as drop
in replacement for MySQL with better performance.

  - Percona Server with
XtraDB<>is our database
server, with high performance and scalability
  - Percona XtraBackup<>is
the world's only open-source hot backup solution for InnoDB and XtraDB

I'm definitely a fan of XtraBackup.



  - Percona XtraDB <> is
  our high-performance storage engine for MySQL, based on InnoDB
  - Percona XtraDB
Cluster<>is a
new high availability and high scalability solution for MySQL users.
  - Percona Data Recovery Tool for
a set of tools for recovering data from InnoDB's data files
  - The tcprstat tool <> is
  a TCP response-time analysis tool
  - Percona LogJam
<>is a
high-performance workload reproduction tool
  - Percona Tools <> includes clones of
  the standard TPC-C and TCP-E benchmarks designed for MySQL
  - The benchworks tool
<>is a framework for
rapidly creating benchmarks and analyzing the results
  - Percona Toolkit <> is
  a collection of advanced command-line tools used by Percona support staff
  to perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks that are too difficult or
  complex to perform manually

It's pretty impressive.

#  ABLEconf: Saturday, March 24th 2012 @ UAT in Tempe
#  "Wasted day. Wasted life. Dessert, please."  -- Steven Meretzky
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