Hi guys,
            Just been through the website. It seems fascinating that
there're so many methods & links & so many questions that people ask.
It's also great to see the archive in action. There're few things on
my mind.
1. Couln't we 've some kind of search engine to query the archives.
I've down google <advanced search plug.org.in> but more than that in
the document archive also. Some kind of natural language processing on
the website.
2. Could we 've some kind of soft launch dates of the next releases in
the site itself. I know we're against favouritism of vendors but
atleast the few distros. that we're able to promote.
3. Last yr. I was unable to buy the T-shirt, what's the status of that.
                          Enjoyin Firefox
                              Shirish Agarwal
          All Life is a dream, enjoy the journey :-)

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