> go to BABU GAMES near NISHANT THEATRE in camp.

Thanks for the info.
But no luck there. You had pointed to the right guy. But he says he doesn't do 
custom cables anymore that he used to do once upon a time. He doesn't have 
one that will work readily.

> here... if not then mail me back i will tell u the location in mumbai.
Can you send this?

But I am a bit skeptical about the shops that claim they have it. Most of them 
offer a cable with S-Video male and 3 RCA jacks. I don't know whether there 
are devices that offer audio through S-Video to need such a cable. Same story 
on eBay. Don't know whether it's a good idea to order it w/o trying it out. 
May be if I go to Mumbai I'll take a look.


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