On 6/5/07, Ajay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hi, I have 2 NICs on a server. I am trying change an IP address to one NIC and 
then restart the network service. But after some time I see that the NIC 
retains it's older address. Even I don't find any arp entry for that NIC.What 
could be the problem? Any solutions, suggestions? Thanks in advance. 

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I had this problem lot of times.


please help yourself..

what i used to do was that i used to run the command $setup
and then in that i used to go to network configuration and then change
the ip address there but there are lot of ways you can do it the best
way to do it is to directly hardcode the values in the configuration

i hope the link will help you as it helped me earlier...

thank you.

Rohan Dighe
Fedora Ambassador India.

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to
your grandmother.
-- Albert Einstein

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