On Wednesday 20 Feb 2008, Ranjit Bhonsle wrote:
> Hello all,
> I had to reinstall WinXP due to software problem.
> After install I tried to reinstall grub to mbr.
> While mounting to /mnt/sysimage it says
> error occured only part of system mounted.
> I cannot find /sbin/grub-install.

Apparently, you have multiple Linux distros installed on your hard disk.  
Which distro did you boot to?  How did you boot to this "distro", a 

> Only method of repair I know of would be
> upgrade reinstall but all installed progs

Not necessary.  Boot with a liveCD (that has grub-install), mount the 
hard disk partition that has the /boot partition on /mnt.  Use 
grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/<your hard disk device>

> and customisations would go me guess.
> Another thing is I have Suse10.3 also
> installed but I don't like its grub, maybe

What is that you don't like about SuSE10.3 grub?  It is no different 
from the grub installed by other Linux distros.

-- Arun Khan

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