On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 12:17 AM, " शंतनु महाजन (Shantanoo Mahajan)
    "  wrote:
>  Hi Mehul,
>  I strongly agree with you; when only one person has issue, that person
>  should
>  set up mail filters.

That was my point.

>  But, I would like to draw your attention to following:
>  - Total number of people on plug list: 1000 (just giving an example. I
>  suppose it more than that)
>  - Size of e-mail sent = 5 KB (4.8 KB to be precise)
>  - Effect data transferred = 5 KB * 1000 = 5000 KB = ~5 MB
>  - Cost per MB = 1 Re. (GPRS = 2 paise/KB)
>  Who is bearing this cost?
>  I don't mind receiving huge number of unwanted e-mail if someone is
>  providing me free bandwidth.
>  Also, for filtering one e-mail, 'n' CPU cycles are required. (Think
>  about utility computing. You pay for
>  CPU cycles you use).
>  For 1000 filters, 1000*n CPU cycles are required.
>  We can think similarly on following points:
>  - Electricity
>  - (Hu)man hours
>  - Cost for storing archive

I'm sorry for not being clear. I never meant the spammers, my
statement was just in this context where only a small section of
people may want to filter the e-mail.
I have nothing against the either party.

>  PS: Nothing personal. If you feel offended, please forgive me.

No offence taken.
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